Chapter 16

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Szurdok Ridge, Utkozet August 12, 2552 0800 Hours

We cut to a birds eye view of an assortment of Scorpion tanks, Warthogs, and Pelican transports, all going as fast as possible on a barren and rocky land. "It appears that Noble Team's discovery was not an anomaly. Large Covenant deployment have occurred undetected and we are now under attack across the Very territory, including orbital defenses. As per the Winter Contingency, we are now countering on every front. Noble's recconisance has also identified sophisticated Covenant hiding canopies, and has pinpointed what's believed to be a landing zone for additional Covenant forces, the origin of which has yet to be determined." Aunty Dot reports.

"That landing zone has been tagged by the UNSC command as priority number one target." Carter says. "Time to bake that cake we made last night!" Jun exclaims. "Copy that. Acquiring signal lock on the pylon." Kat states. "Detonating in three, two..." The pylon promptly explodes. Overhead are some Banshees that take out a few Warthogs but are destroyed by the sheer amount of firepower. Jaune looks out of the Warthog to see a Marine blasting a Banshee to dust. But notices something and yells "Incoming!" "Might want to hold onto something Jaune!" Kat yells as the bright infant of them explodes. The vehicle pops up in the air then promptly crashes. Jaune and Kat blackout.

When Jaune stirs, he sees many Warthogs attempt the same jump Kat did but fail. "Jaune, can you hear me alright!?" Kat questions worriedly. "Yeah I'm fine." Jaune pulls out his trusty MA5K. Jaune charges, also pulling out Crocea Mors only in shield form, and charges, blasting weak points in Jackals shields and at Elites heads. A Pelican comes by and drops off a Warthog with a rocket launcher on the back rather that the standard machine gun. Kat and Jaune hop in. There mission is to find anti-air guns and destroy them.

Jaune hopped into the driver seat while Kat climbed onto the back to man the M12R rocks launcher. Jaune trove onto the dirt path to do and search for the anti-air guns. Very soon, the pair of Spartans found the anti-air guns and started blasting. While Kat fired upon the main infantry of the Covenant, Jaune hooped out and snick into the control panel where he promptly destroyed the reactor with a grenade, leaving it weakened, ready to be destroyed with a bombing run. It went down with a bang.

Jaune hopped back into the Warthog and continued deeper into enemy territory, blasting away any unfortunate Covenant forces in their path. They soon arrived at a mining facility, where the Covenant are using it as a command outpost. Due to the barricades, Jaune and Kat couldn't bring the Warthog any further. The Spartans soon got to work despite this.

Kat, using the rocket launcher to the best of her ability, carved a path for Jaune, now Ising Crocea Mors to finish what little defenders were left. They pushed further into the mine. They received information that a Zealot was located on base. Deeper into the mining base revealed even more Covenant forces, which either met an end of bullets riddling their bodies, or a sword through the chest, throat, head, or any other weak points. The Zealot soon revealed itself, raining fir open the pair of Spartans.

Kat quickly got to work pinning the alien down while Jaune rushed in. The Zealot ignited its energy sword to meet Jaune in combat and struck at an angle so that Kat couldn't shoot at it. Jaune blocked the energy sword with Crocea Mors and forced the sword away, leaving the Elite vulnerable. Jaune took the opportunity given and struck the Elite down with a thrust of his Blade through its heart. It staggered onto its feet, adrenaline barley keeping it awake as its life slowly ebbed away. Jaune finished it off with a slash through its chest, revealing organs, now bloodied. Liver and Kidneys falling out as a pool of blood formed around the Zealot. It was finished.

Jaune and Kat finished off the remaining Covenant forces and continued down the path. Scans soon shows another AA gun up ahead and the Spartans rushed to bring it down.

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