Chapter 6

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The graduation ceremony began at 0700 hours, when all Spartans were called to the front of Camp Currahee. Franklin Mendez came out and said his speech, the Kurt said a few words of encouragement, "I belive all of you will turn into some of the finest Spartans that I have ever seen."

After the graduation ceremony, the Spartans IIIs headed to pelicans to head back to the Destiny's Call to await assignment, all except for three teams, team Saber, team Katana, and team Yellow. They stayed to compete for top honors.

June 21, 2552 0645 hours

(I had to change the date to fit the rough timeline)

During the competition, team Saber experienced a disturbance from the ground. Soon after team Saber witnessed a large explosion and saw alien drones. The drones opened fire, sending what appeared to be artillery fire. Team Saber retreated to Zone 76 fence, where they found their assailants, which were Onyx sentinels. Team Saber engaged.

"The Mark, set up overwatch and don't let them near as O, scouts were the drones are." Ash, leader of team Saber told Mark, the marksman. "Understood." Mark replied. Dante, the demolitions expert sew the drones ablaze with his M319 Individual Grenade Launcher, Holly engaged in cqc with the drones, while Olivia scouted ahead to see if there were anymore reinforcements ahead. "Alright team, that should be the last of them, fall back to the forrest and call for the other two Spartan teams to come and help." Ash ordered.

Soon after the firefight, teams Katana and Yellow come and together they delve deeper into Zone 76. Covenant forces soon arrive after scanning the planet for Forerunner artifacts. They find some, and are soon deployed Onyx.

As the tree Spartan teams delve down into the depths of the vault, plasma bolts fly from nowhere, as Phantoms deploy Grunts and Elites, while providing covering fire, forcing the Spartans to take cover. Team Katana are weakened to the point were extraction is needed. Teams Yellow and Saber open fire and are able to take out many Elites forcing the Covenant scout forces to back off and regroup. During this time Pelicans are able to arrive ant bring team Katana out of there to recover, while teams Saber and Yellow explore the forerunner vault. 

Not to long after the Covenant arrive again, now bringing Jackals, two pairs of Hunters, and Brutes. "There here!" Ash says. "Again?" George asks. "Yea, they are right there!" Ash responds. 

As team Saber and team Yellow as split apart, Dante falls distracting The Covenant enough for team Saber to make it to the Forerunner artifacts deep within the core of the vault. Team Yellow goest the alternative route to the vault while George and Grace hold them off, buying time for Macy to hack the system to open the vault. 

Both teams recognize the other team has lost some Spartans. Bit there is no time to greave, as the Covenant Brutes and last remaining Hunter break down the doors. Both teams have to make a last stand while Macy has to hack the slipspace portal. Holly dies while engaging a Covenant Zealot Elite in close quarters combat, while Jack gets shot through the heart by a Jackal who spotted him before Jack could spot him. But even with the two losses, the Covenant begin to fall back. Macy opens the slipspace portal, but only 4 can enter.

"Macy, what are you doing lets go!" Jaune yells. "There is only room for 4 Spartans." "Besides, I thinks you are needed more than me, don't let our sacrifice be in vain Jaune." Macy commands. "Y-Yes ma'am." Jaune responds shakily. The four spartans teleport to the UNSC Dusk, just as the covenant come back. Little do they know, it was a trap set by Macy as she set explosives while they were gone. "Good luck Jaune, wherever you go, good luck." Macy says under her breath as the explosives go off, killing her.

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