Chapter 17

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Jaune and Kat soon arrive at broken bridge surrounded by tan cliffs and mountains with the aa-gun in sight. Jaune hops down to engage with Crocea Mors in hand while Kat supports him from the back with her MA5C. Once again, Jaune enters the rhythm of combat, and the Covenant aren't able to do anything. Grunts, Jackals, Elites, a pair of Hunters, and even Wraith tanks fall to Jaune's dance.

After battling their way through the Covenant forces they make it to the aa-gun. And once again, Jaune rushes in to find the control room to destroy it and bring it down. The actor is soon found and with the help of a plasma grenade, it blows up, taking it offline.

After such a display, a Phantom transport comes in and drops its load off. Jaune switches to his MA5K to take out the gunner before using Crocea Mors' shield to get to a better position while taking out grunts to clear a way to the Elites. Kat simply stand back and fires from cover behind a downed Wraith. Soon the opportunity to get into melee presents itself and Jaune dates forward, soaking up the fire before brutal finishing off the Elites.

Carter talks over the radio stating that ONI needs up close recon of the spires so they will fl him to the next destination. On the Pelican is Jorge and a marine. Jaune hops onto the grenade launcher. The Pelican flies over a canyon with a river at the bottom, surrounded by barren trees. Multiple bridges are present with Covenant forces. More are on the ground with Banshees and Wraiths. Jaune blows them to hell.

The spire soon comes into Jaune's FOV, thought there is a shield around it. When the Pelican travels through it, all power goes out. Jaune and Jorge lock their armor.

When they wake, the Pelican is down, and all of the crew are dead. They are here to complete a mission thought and the can't back out now. Jaune pulls out his MA5K is his right, and Crocea Mors in his left. Jorge picks up his modified M247H machine gun. Together they push through the valley surrounded by hills. There are a ton of Covenant forces out of melee range.

Jorge fires a volley of bullets at the main area where the Covenant forces are stationed. Jaune blasts at any small groups of Covenant forces. They steady walk towards the hill where the spire is located. The spire is built in a valley where it's hard to reach. Jorge sets up to lay heavy fire while Jaune moves in, needing to reach the top of the spire to take it down.

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