Hoku the Procrastinator

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Authors Note: Today is finally the day that I update this story! I have been struggling with writers block for quite a long time now, but finally I have help! May I introduce to you, my best friend *drumroll* RedPandaShalon:)!!!!!! She does not have a Wattpad account (yet ;) ) but hopefully she will have one soon...sooo yeah. 

RedPandaShalon: Let's get this started you're taking FOREVER!!!

BlueberryBatMuffin: Okay Okay!

" Okay that pause was a bit TOO dramatic for my taste...and besides, being dramatic is MY job! Just spill the beans!" Keefe had clearly lost his patience after Hoku apparently took a pause that was longer than preferred. Sophie rolled her eyes. Keefe was in fact VERY dramatic sometimes...and she had witnessed his over the top antics first hand. Suddenly Tam cleared his throat. 

" Are we done with the Keefe outbursts, because Hoku was about to talk." He glared at Keefe. Keefe clutched his chest like he was offended and acted flabbergasted.

" Outbursts?! They are clearly theatrics!" He declared.  Sophie put her a hand on his shoulder and said " Not now Keefe. Hoku, please continue." motioning towards her. 

Hoku looked down. " I don't know if I should tell you guys. It's kind of dangerous...and illegal."

Elwin burst out laughing from the back of the room. " Dangerous! Illegal! Been there done that!"  Sophie jumped and glanced at the physician in the corner. She had forgotten he was there. 

" Yeah. Dr. Sparkles is right. We know a lot about dangerous stuff, exploding towers, evil parents, and stinky gulons." Keefe listed the number of times they had defied death on his fingers, though she had no idea why he tried slipping in the great gulon incident. Tam stepped closer to Hoku and said quietly " You can trust them. I promise". Hoku sighed, taking another deep breath and pause. Sandor had apparently run out of patience ( like Keefe) because he stepped out of the shadows and shouted in his squeaky voice: " Just tell us what you need to say! For pete's sake!" 

The room was silent. Except for Keefe who muttered under his breath " What does Pete have to do with anything?" 

" Alright, I'll get it over with fast. I ran away and stole a councilors cache when I was younger." She then stopped talking, leaving everyone with their mouths hanging open like fish.  Hoku broke the silence. 
" Also I killed Emery's fish." Keefe went ballistic and started spewing all of his emotions out in the form of words while he looked like he was going to cry.

" Why did you kill Mr. Bubbles? What did Mr. Blobby do to you to deserve that? It wasn't Dr. McFishFaces falt that his parents were evil and tried to kill as his friends while trying to turn him into a super-elf...I mean, uh super-fish!" Sophie tried her best to calm her emotional boyfriend, but it appeared there was no hope.

Everyone stared as Keefe cried about a fish that died many years ago. Finally, Tam said something. 
" Keefe, the fish is not you. You are different than the fish. Your parents are not going to end up killing your friends. And also, if you are naming the fish, stick with one name!"

Elwin perked up. " Well, Tam, if his parents do try to kill all his friends after all, at least you'll be safe." 

They all laughed without a care in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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