Lord Hunkyhair and the Bangs Boy

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Authors Note: Y'all! It was sooooo fun writing this! I set it in Keefe's perspective...TBH I was being a bit of a fangirl planning it out but I got over it and hopefully this is the best chapter yet :) ( also, I changed my name again, i know I'm indecisive, my username is still BlueberryBatMuffin, but, cuz that is super long, you can call me KawaiiHeart)

Keefe was so confused. First, his girlfriend almost dies for the millionth time, then this weird girl teleports into the room from a bolt of lighting, and apparently her name is Cinnamon now( what kind a name was Cinnamon?), and then suddenly, Bangs Boy just appears out of nowhere with a GIANT STUFFED FLAREADON!?! What was happening here? Starting with Bangs Boy.

" Tam?! What are you doing here?! I mean, I know you care about me so much and all, but the stuffed animal seems a little excessive." There, sarcasm always got on Tammy Boys nerves. Tam rolled his eye from behind his moody bangs.

" It's not for you." He stated blandly. He turned to Cinnamon. " Here." He held the flareadon up to the her as light pink tinted her cheeks. Keefe wanted to make barfing noises into a trash can to ease the tension, but he doubted that even fake vomit could disperse the awkwardness of Tams secret girlfriend. Keefe glanced at Sophie. Were they always that lovey dovey in public? Sophie cleared her throat.

" Um, so, Tam. I thought Marella was your match." She said, instantly diffusing the tension. She was adorable like that. Keefe had named her his life saver because she had gotten him out of so many awkward situations.

" Yeah, but she was my #2. Hoku is my #1." He looked at his girlfriend with a smile. Keefe didn't know what was more concerning: that Tam even had a girlfriend, or that he was smiling. It was definitely the smiling.

" Hoku? Who's Hoku?" Sophie asked. She tilted her head to the left a little bit like a super cute puppy. Tam narrowed his eyes at Cinnamon.

" Are you still telling people your name is Cinnamon?" He laughed a bit to himself. Keefe was officially weirded out. The sheepish look on Cinnamon's face didn't help.

" I ran away when I was 10. I figured I needed a super cool rebel name. Cinnamon was the best I could come up with. I only use Hoku when I TRUST SOMEONE." She looked at Tam sternly.

" I know. But, you can trust them. I promise." He brushed a stand of coral hair off her shoulder. Keefe could barely handle it anymore.

" Are you two done being super couple-y?! I know I shouldn't be this rude, but Tam, Cinnamon,Hoku, whatever your name is-"

" Hoku."

Jeez! This girl had some nerve. She didn't know who she was dealing with. THE LORDHUNKYHAIR WOULD TEACH HER A LESSON! Keefe started toward the couple. Rage filled in his mind. His girlfriend had just been laying there clinging to life a few hours ago and these two had the nerve to just waltz in and act like they were the perfect couple and everything was right with the world. If he remembered right, Tam had tried to kill him by listening to his mother. Keefe began to charge, fist raised ready to strike when suddenly, a bolt of lighting stuck right in front of him, sending him flying across the room.

" That's enough. Now, I'll tell you why I'm here." Hoku said.

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