The Gorgadon VS. Sophie

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Authors Note: I had the literal WORST writers block on this chapter! It might be a little bit shorter than my other chapters because of that but hopefully it is still good!

After Keefe left, Sophie didn't know what to do. She knew that Sandor was probably wearing a trench in the carpet waiting for her to return... but she she didn't want to go back just yet. She quietly crept through Havenfields sprawling pastures filled with a giant assortment of creatures. She kept walking, passing enclosure after enclosure until finally finding the one she was looking for. The gorgadon growled menacingly at her. Keefe had decided to name the scary beast Pepper because he figured it was rude to call it "Gorgadon". 

" Come on Pepper, it's just me, Sophie. Do you want a snack?" She gestured to the barrels of swizzlespice next to her. Pepper just glared at her. Suddenly, the wind picked up and dwarves burst up from the ground. They grabbed her legs and dragged her underground with them. Sophie clawed at the dirt, her lungs screamed for air as she desperately tried to escape her attackers. Suddenly, she felt herself surface. Sophie gasped as her legs were released and she rolled onto her back, taking in as much air as she could. Suddenly, she heard a low snarl behind her and she quickly sat up. She was inside the gorgadon enclosure. Pepper leapt toward Sophie, her fangs barred as she tried to take a bite out of her. She grabbed her imparter and screamed into it: "show me Keefe!" the screen showed Keefe as she desperately shrieked as the gadget was ripped from her hands as she tumbled toward the ground. She crawled away from Pepper, trying to put as much distance between her and the giant monster as possible. It swung a venomous claw at her and she ducked, narrowly missing it. She rolled onto her stomach and pushed herself up, breaking into a sprint. Her escape was cut short by a giant wing slapping into her side. Her exposed neck was cut by the gorgadons curled tail. Sophie wailed in pain as her muscles started to numb and her vision went blurry. The poison was already taking effect. How long until it killed her? She struggled to reach the exit but couldn't make it in time. Suddenly, she heard shouts and the gorgadon flew up and away from Sophie. She felt someone drag her into their arms, and then everything faded to black...

To be continued...

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