Keefe VS. Cinnamon

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Authors Note: Hey y'all! Just wanted to let you know that I REALLY like comments. PLEASE tell me your thoughts on the chapters. Feedback is always sooooo helpful. I need some advice on the next chapter: Should I write the next chapter in Cinnamon's perspective? Let me know. Happy reading :)

" What do you want?" Sophie asked. Cinnamon stared straight at her. 

" Hmmm. I'll tell you when we can have a more...private conversation." Cinnamon looked around the room, taking it all in as if she had never been there before. Sophie didn't undrstand why Cinnamon wouldn't tell her why she had just teleported from a bolt of lightning just to see her. She needed to know why. She stretched out her mind towards the mysterious girl.
" Nuh uh. If you've got something to say, you can say it to all of us." Keefe stepped towards Cinnamon, he stood up taller to seem more intimidating, though his tactic didn't work very much. Sophie didn't know what to think about how Keefe was acting...she had never seen this side of him.
" I don't think so." Cinnamon narrowed her eyes. Keefe and Cinnamon both stalked closer to each other when suddenly a poof of shadows erupted in between them. The two of them leaped back in surprise. The shadows faded, revealing Tam with a giant, stuffed, purple flareadon in his hands.

( Sorry it was short, I had writers block again )

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