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Authors Note: I have decided that I am going to add some of my own characters into this fanfiction!!!! I made them a loooooooong time ago. They will be coming in this chapter so keep and eye out for that. :)

Sophie's eyes fluttered open as light streamed in though her lashes. Her vision was blurry and she had to squint to make out the figure in front of her. It was Elwin. Sophie felt herself blush as she remembered that she knew he was her biological father. Elwin flashed a bright red orb around her head and she closed her eyes immediately, groaning from the blinding light. Elwin looked back at the door.

" Keefe, you can come in, she's awake now." He called. A millisecond later another blurry figure burst into the room. Keefe. He rushed to her side and as he got closer, she could see that his hair was not styled and it lay flat on his head. He had a crease between his eyebrows and dark circles under his eyes. If not for his ice blue eyes, Sophie would not have recognized him, though his eyes seemed bloodshot, tired, and dull.

" Jeez Foster. I know that almost dying is your trademark, but maybe don't do it as much. You nearly gave me a heart attack." He said it with confidence, but his smirk fell flat.

" Keefe? What happened?" Sophie asked, sitting up and rubbing the back of her head. She must have hit it when she fell.

" You were attacked by the gorgadon. Why were you in there in the first place. You know Pepper isn't a big fan of social interaction." Keefe questioned her.

" It wasn't on purpose. I went over by her enclosure but then a couple of dwarves came out of nowhere and dragged me into the cage.

" Wow. That's... intense." Keefe said. Suddenly, crackling filled the room and a bolt of lightning zapped the floor. Smoke flew everywhere and everyone started to cough. As the smoke cleared, Sophie could make out a figure standing in the wake of the lightning. She had tan skin, sea green eyes, a splattering of freckling on her face and bright coral hair that was pulled into two braids. It was another elf, who had teleported. By lightning.

" My names, Cinnamon, and I'm looking for Sophie Foster."

To be continuted.

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