Fitz Explodes.

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Authors Note: In case you forgot, this is hard core anti-Fitz. This chapter will reveal Fitz and his truly horrible self. If you for some reason like Fitz, keep in mind that you will realize how horrible he is >:) Happy reading muahahaha.

The room was even more silent then before. You could probably hear a pin drop. Keefe and Sophie stared at each other for a long time. Then, as if they were thinking the same thing, they leaped toward each other and embraced.

"Awwwww." Everyone sighed. Well, everyone except Fitz.

" Now wait a minute! How to we even know that they're telling the truth?! They could be lying so that we don't think they're a bad match! And even if they aren't, Sophie didn't even look at any of the other people on her list! We don't even know if Sophie still going to in love with Keefe soon! The only reason Sophie is dating Keefe is because she wants to make me jealous. It's either that, or Keefe used his brain-washing power to make Sophie fall in love with him!!" Fitz shouted. Everyone stared at him.

" That's not true Fitz. I love Keefe more than I ever loved you. Keefe is sweet and funny and he's definitely not a total jerk like you." She said accusingly, pointing a finger at Fitz.

Fitz took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

" You know what? Fine. You guys are perfect for each other. Especially because you're a couple of freaks!" He spat. Keefe jumped to his feet.

" Get out." He demanded.

" What?"

" I said get out." Keefe said pointing toward the door. Fitz didn't make any move to get out of the bedroom. Keefe took matters into his own hands and Fitz by his shirt and dragged him out down the stairs, through the house, out the door, and into the pastures. Everyone followed them.

" And you say I'm the one with anger issues? I'm not the one who just pulled someone across a house because they were mad!" Fitz glared.

" Shut up." Keefe said.

" Make me." Fitz challenged. Keefe narrowed his eyes. Fitz directed his attention back towards Sophie.

" Don't date him Sophie. His mom's a murderer remember? He's just going to get you and everyone else killed if you haven't done that already. Sure your a good telepath, but you can't control your inflicting and your enhancing will only make the neverseen stronger. Your not as strong as the Black Swan says Sophie. Why don't you just go jump off a cliff to save us all the trouble. Oh wait! You can't, you'll teleport! Guess we'll just have to wait for the neverseen to arrive!" He screamed. Keefe stalked closer. Then in one solid motion he swung his arm back and punched Fitz in the jaw, sending him sprawling on the ground.

" Don't talk to Sophie that way ever again or there won't be a ground to fall on to next time I punch you." Keefe glared and his former best friend with disgust.

" I think everyone should leave know, it's getting late anyway." Sophie said, trying to break the tension. Biana grabbed Fitz and everyone left. Everyone except Keefe. He looked at Sophie with sad eyes. He took her hands in his.

" Don't listen to him Sophie. You're not a freak. You never have been, never will be." he said to her. Sophie nodded. Though she didn't need Fitz to tell her she was a freak, she already felt like one to begin with.

" You're not a freak either Keefe." She told him. Keefe looked out toward the caves by the beach.

" Sophie, can you take me to the place you were kidnapped?" He asked.

" Why? What for?" Sophie replied, confused.

" You obviously don't feel safe there. This is your home, you should feel safe here." He gestured around to their surroundings and Sophie took his hand and led him to the beach.

Once they got there, Keefe took a match from in his pocket and lit a piece of driftwood with it. He flung the piece of wood into the cave, letting the inside burn. After a few seconds, he used his telekinesis and covered the flames with water. Then, he took a giant chalk marker and began to draw on each of the cave walls. Once he was done he stepped back so they could admire his handy work. He had burned away any trace that her kidnappers had been here, and drawn the sign of the moonlark on each wall.

" This is yours now." He said. Sophie smiled up at him.

" Thank you Keefe." She grinned. They both leaned into each other and kissed.

To be continued...

Kotlc: Adventures of Lord Hunkyhair( and everyone else)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant