Eidolon :{ [chapter 11]

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~ 3rd person perspective
It was like last time.

"The both of you can stay in my office for the moment! I'll make sure no one comes and bother you,"
Aubade told Eidolon and Illusia, who have just gone indoors due to the colder weather. For the time being, Jovial Sun Paradise will be closed.
Illusia wasn't happy. They were pouting and they looked upset. They were hugging a scrunklebug they had "kidnapped" last time, along with a few other items like a pillow and a blanket. Eidolon had his small water colour set and his sketchbook, and also a pillow and a blanket.
"..Thank you- ...Aubade,"
Eidolon thanked, giving Aubade an awkward smile to show his thanks for being let inside during the colder weather. While Aubade went over the usual, that they could go to him if they needed any help, they could get food, not to feed the mouches...Eidolon noticed someone staring at him from outside. He slightly looked out Aubade's office, and met eyes with Plum. He was a little startled at first, but he gave Plum a light smile and waved slightly. Plum seemed to turn red, giving Eidolon a smile back and waving too.
"Yes and don't feed or go near the mouches on the wall. They say they don't bite, but they definitely do. Illusia if you like you can go play in the playground-"
Aubade was interrupted when Illusia had ran off with their scrunklebug to the playground to play. There was first a thud from Illusia knocking into Plum, and some soft grumbles from both, but Aubade didn't seem to notice.
Aubade called out, before turning to Eidolon.
Eidolon stared at his boss awkwardly, looking a bit anxious. He gently scratched his sleeve with his claw, diverting eye contact with Aubade.
"...Ah yeah- Eidolon- You and Illusia can go hang out in the breakroom. There's food in the cupboards, but the fridge is mostly empty since Plum hides there in the summer. The freezer may have some things you can heat up  to eat. You can help out Plum or Scrith, or you can take some much needed rest. I have some spare paper if you want to paint or draw,"
Aubade said with a smile, trying to sound conforming.
"Ah...Thank you Aubade..."
Eidolon thanked, nodding back.
With that, Eidolon left Aubade's office, and bumped into Plum.
Plum excitedly hugging their friend tightly and smiled- completely forgetting about boundaries in the midst of their excitement to see their friend now.
"AH- ..Plum?"
Eidolon's cheeks flushed pink, before he gently hugged Plum back.
"...So warm,"
Eidolon muttered, appreciating how warm his friend was, especially in the colder weather.
"Eidolon! Since you're finally indoors, and my shift hasn't started yet, do you wanna see my room?"
Plum asked excitedly, jumping up and down. Eidolon was a bit overwhelmed with this excitement, but he nodded, before getting dragged up the stairs by an exhilarated and excited Plum.

Meanwhile, Aubade stood in his office blankly after hearing the entire conversation.
"...The both of them are so cute together!"
Aubade commented to himself, quite happy Eidolon and Plum seem to enjoy each other's company so much.

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