Scrith : [chapter 7]

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~ third person perspective
"He smiled at me! He has such a pretty smile Scrith! It was so sweet and genuine and..."
Plum was going on and on to Scrith about how it went with Eidolon.
Scrith just silently nodded as her friend went on and on about the night guard, before noticing a child approaching the counter to pay for something. Plum noticed the child too, quickly snapping out their dreamlike euphoria and going back to work.
Scrith was pretty glad that Plum seemed extremely happy now, a stark contrast to how upset Plum seemed a while ago about not even being able to talk to Eidolon.
After the child walked away from the counter, having paid for a soap bar and a slushie, Plum seemed to go back to their state of dreamt euphoria.
"He said the sandwiches were good! He looks pretty even when he's eating- How can someone be so pretty? He even walked me to the entrance of the Playground!"
Plum went on, sounding absolutely infatuated with Eidolon.
Scrith just stared blankly at Plum.
Seeing Plum talking non stop about Eidolon like this made Scrith think back to the time they became friends with Plum, and how Plum would occasionally rant on about the things they loved. Well- this was no different.
Scrith was watching and listening to Plum go on and on about how lovely their crush was. Maybe Plum didn't realise that they had a crush on Eidolon. But Scrith knew. Scrith could tell just by the look in Plum's eyes and how Plum talked about Eidolon, that Plum absolutely adored Eidolon. That hazy, dazed look in their red eyes, and the bright glimmer the moment Plum found a chance to dote on and on about Eidolon. That bright smile, that wide wide smile.
It was probably clear to Scrith at the start of her friendship with Plum, that Plum probably had a crush on Eidolon, but only recently started seeking for actual advice on how to approach him. Now that Plum had actually interacted with Eidolon, the only thing they were talking about was him. Scrith was...Actually a bit annoyed. Normally conversations with Plum would be on so many mixed topics, the customers, Lacustrine, work...Now it's focused on Eidolon, after Plum actually properly interacted with him one time. Scrith wasn't going to share this annoyance with Plum, so she was just simply going to let Plum go on and on about their crush...

I went for Scrith's perspective and how I think she saw things for this chapter. Hopefully this is accurate?

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