Eidolon :< [chapter 2]

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~ third person perspective
Eidolon, peered over the wall after a while. When he realised Plum was gone, he walked back to the original spot he was standing at.
When Eidolon wasn't inside the building on his night shifts, he was outside in Jovial Playground, patiently waiting for it to become nighttime so he could do his shifts as night guard.
Sometimes, a child or person would run up to him and ask him questions, such as whether or not the pool was safe to swim in, or when would construction end...Or when one of the locked rooms would get fixed some people didn't fall into the bottomless void in replacement of the floor. But most of the time, he was alone by the wall, just waiting.
He had a friend, Illusia Feread, but they worked at the ice cream stand, and he didn't like the idea of bothering them too much.

But every now and then, a pitch black inertia with fur that curves upwards on their face and red eyes would wander into Jovial Sun Paradise and try to approach him. What was their name? Plum? Yeah...Their name is Plum. It isn't that Eidolon didn't want to be friends with Plum, but the looming sense of anxiety that would rise up his stomach every time someone he didn't know well approached him was overwhelming, and he would forget how to communicate to people. And like a coward, he'd run and hide away. He disliked social situations. He could barely look anybody in the eyes, so it was even harder to talk to people. Now that he looked back at it, he felt bad for just running away from Plum. He remembered how he looked back one time and saw them blankly standing there, probably wondering why he kept running away from them. He frowned to himself as he thought about how sad he might have made them, and wondered if it was possible to apologise to Plum for just running away from them.

Eidolon stared over at the door to Jovial Playground. He thought for a while. He recalled the times he would see Plum walk into Jovial Sun Paradise with a sketchbook and some stationary. They seemed like they enjoyed drawing. Maybe he could try talking to Plum one day, and he could draw or paint with them, and maybe he could even apologise for just running away from them. Or would writing a letter apology be better? He wasn't sure, but he does wonder what Plum draws in their sketchbook. When they actually stop to sketch, they seemed really focused. How do you approach someone who you wanted to know better?

Eidolon didn't know, and he rather not risk embarrassing himself in front of someone....

Second chapter woohoo! I hope this is going well, and anyone who is reading this fanfic enjoys it so far-

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