Plum ^v^ [chapter 10]

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~ third person perspective
It had been a few days since Plum's bold decision to run downstairs and meet up with Eidolon. It was now lunch break, and Plum had gone to have lunch with Eidolon again.
"Haha- Sorry for the trouble a few days ago..."
Plum apologised to Eidolon awkwardly as they ate their sandwich.
"Mhm...It's fine..."
Eidolon hummed, before sneezing. He sounded a bit like a cat.
"Haha, bless you Eidolon,"
Plum said with a soft laugh at the sneeze, before Eidolon sneezed a couple more times.
"Ah- Bless you again,"
Plum said, pulling out a tissue and giving it to Eidolon.
"Thank you,"
Eidolon thanked, taking the tissue and wiping his nose with it.
"...It's been getting colder lately,"
Plum remarked as they looked up into the sky.
"Yeah...It has..."
Eidolon said.
"Well that's fine! You can come inside! Aubade will let you and Illusia inside like last time!"
Plum said, getting closer to Eidolon and grabbing Eidolon's hand to warm it up. Eidolon freezes and turns slightly red, while Plum has just grabbed Eidolon's hand and started to warm it up.
"Ah- Your hands are really cold Eidolon. Are you okay?"
Plum asked, warming up Eidolon's hand.
Meanwhile, Eidolon was having a mini existential crisis- Plum's hand was extremely warm and comforting in the colder weather, and it felt nice to have his hand being held. He felt so embarrassed for some reason.
Plum asked, causing Eidolon to snap out his thoughts.
"Ah- Sorry Plum...I got a little...Lost there.."
Eidolon chuckled awkwardly as he gave Plum's hand a light squeeze, enjoying how warm Plum is.
"..You're really warm- It's comforting,"
Eidolon added with a soft awkward smile, happy to get to hold Plum's hand. Plum seems to get a little nervous and flustered, their cheeks going a bit redder as they mustered an awkward smile back, their heart about to burst fron how happy they were to hear that from Eidolon.
"Awww thank you Eidolon!"
Plum thanked with a soft smile.
Eidolon and Plum finished their lunch together, before Plum spent some more time warming Eidolon's hands up.

As usual, towards the end of Plum's lunch break, Eidolon accompanied them back to the entrance of Jovial Playground.
"Thanks again- And- ...If you're hands are still really cold- I don't mind helping warm them up again,"
Plum offered awkwardly, sounding a bit nervous and sheepish as they said that. Eidolon seemed a little surprised, but gave a soft smile.
"..Thank you- ...I wouldn't love that,"
Eidolon thanked, giving Plum a bow, before watching Plum go back inside...

I've been having writer's block or something.

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