Eidolon :/ [chapter 4]

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~ third person perspective
Eidolon was sitting on one of the benches in Jovial Sun Paradise, deep in thought. He was so lost in thought, he didn't hear the sounds of footsteps approach him. Someone eventually tapped Eidolon on the shoulder, causing him to snap out his thoughts and let out a soft gasp in surprise.

Eidolon looked up, staring at his friend, Illusia Feread. Eidolon and Illusia were like siblings. The both of them were the only employees who worked outdoors, so they got pretty close over time.

"Eidolon! Are you doing okay?"
Illusia asked their brother figure, going over and sitting next to Eidolon on the bench. Eidolon thought for a while, before nodding.
"..Yeah...I'm doing okay,"
Eidolon mentioned, while Illusia gently swung their legs about as they sat next to Eidolon.
"You sure? Yesterday, I saw that stupid indoor employee try to approach you. Did that stupid fuck bother you? I can throw a bomb at them to scare then away if you like,"
Illusia asked, pulling a stick of dynamite from their pocket. Eidolon's face turned slightly pale as he shook his head furiously.
"Please don't- I don't want you to do that...It might harm them..."
Eidolon said to Illusia. Illusia nodded, before keeping the dynamite away. It's not that Illusia wanted to harm Plum- But they would scare Plum away if Plum was bothering Eidolon.
Illusia sat next to Eidolon on the bench quietly, Eidolon seemingly deep in thought now...

Illusia looked over at Eidolon.
"...Are you thinking about how you ran away from them?"
Illusia asked Eidolon.
"..Yeah...Did I do the wrong thing? What if I upset them...."
Eidolon muttered, sounding remorseful for just running away from Plum and leaving them there. Illusia sighed and shook their head.
"Hey it's fine! Stop thinking about it! You did nothing wrong!"
Illusia exclaimed to Eidolon, grabbing Eidolon's arm and shaking him about aggressively, as if to try to get him to stop thinking about it.
This gave Eidolon a slight scare, as he yelped in shock of getting the living daylights shaken out of him.
Illusia questioned their "brother", still shaking him. Eidolon slightly nodded his head, starting to get dizzy from all the shaking. Illusia may only be about 7 - 10, but they could get really aggressive. Illusia let go of their "brother" the moment they heard that.
Illusia said, smiling triumphantly at their "victory".
"Anyways- Do you want ice cream? No one's here at the moment, so it wouldn't hurt to eat some ice cream. It's also really fuckin hot-"
Illusia asked Eidolon, getting off the bench and getting the wrinkles out their poncho.
"..Sure...Sounds great,"
Eidolon nodded, softly smiling to his "sibling".
So he went to get ice cream with Illusia. In the back of his mind, he was still thinking about Plum, and whether or not he should apologise to them about always running away from them...But that was the least of his concerns now...

Chapter 4 is done!
I'm sorry if my impression of Illusia Feread isn't that accurate (Illusia Feread is canonly 7 - 10, can be extremely vulgar at times, and have a sibling relationship with Eidolon despite not actually being related according to the creator, Roskaa123). However, this fanfic may have chapters featuring the other characters and their perspective on everything!

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