Plum >:3! [chapter 8]

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~ third person perspective
Plum had decided to do something extremely stupid. Plum knew that if Aubade knew about it, they were going to get another lecture about how dangerous it was, but Plum decided to do it anyways. They weren't usually one to break the rules, so once wouldn't hurt. And besides, how awful could night time be?

Plum soon ate their words, since the moment they stepped out their room, shining their flashlight about, they met face to face with a korneelius. Not that they weren't common where Plum was at, but that thing towered over them, and Plum did not want to see that at night.
After quickly escaping the looming nightmare, Plum walked down the stairs, almost tripped at the last step onto the carpeted floor of the hallway. They grumbled to themself, realising they were dangerously near Aubade's room, and their boss happened to sleep on the sofa in his room, meaning he was extremely near the door and could hear everything more easily.
But Plum was soon reassured nothing was wrong, when they could hear the loud sounds of Aubade snoring away, deep asleep.
Plum sighed in relief as they looked up, flashing their flashlight ahead to guide themself to the door leading to the playground. They just so happened to look out the window, glowing blue outside. However, they caught of a glimpse of something. A face at the very bottom of the window outside, staring inside with an uncanny smile and beady eyes...
Plum felt their blood run cold as they nearly screamed in shock, making a dash to the nearest door they could find that wasn't to Aubade's room. They ran into the storeroom and out the curtains leading to behind the cash register, before tripping and falling face first onto the cold tiled floor with a thud.

Plum could hear a yelp of surprise from outside, as peeled their face off the ground. They stared out, their body illuminated by the harsh red lighting above them. They met eyes with the night guard, who was warily staring back at Plum.

Eidolon asked, a little surprised to see Plum. Plum got to their feet, running over to their cru- I mean Eidolon.
"Eidolon! Hi!"
Plum said excitedly, though sounding a bit tired. Yes, the entire point of Plum breaking a rule was to go downstairs and pay Eidolon a visit.
"Wait...Why are you here..? Aren't you supposed to be...asleep?"
Eidolon asked Plum, tilting his head a little in confusion.
"I'm not tired!"
Plum said, only to be betrayed by themself when they yawned a little.
Eidolon nodded, ignoring that. Plum felt really embarrassed, their cheeks going slightly red as they tried to think of something to say.
"So- ..How are you doing?"
Plum asked Eidolon, standing next ti the might guard.
"Uh...I'm doing...alright...How about..You?"
Eidolon answered, sounding a bit nervous.
"I'm doing great!"
Plum said with a grin, before yawning again.
"...I should be asleep...."
Eidolon muttered to Plum, sounding a bit worried.
"What? Why? I'm fine!"
Plum questioned, standing straight and trying to keep their eyes wide open, but they were in fact quite tired.
"You look...really sleepy...I think it would be best...if you went to sleep...."
Eidolon said to Plum.
"Trust me! I'm fine-!"
Plum insisted, almost interrupting themself with a yawn.
"..You should....really go back to your dorm Plum..."
Eidolon said, patting Plum gently on the shoulder.
"Come on- I swear I'm fine- WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?"
Plum was startled by a sudden clashing sound (most likely from the sewer), and went into a jumbled panicked, grabbing and climbing onto the nearest thing (or inertia) to get away, that just so happened to be Eidolon. So Plum was now clinging onto Eidolon like a koala for dear life, while Eidolon froze in shock from getting climbed onto like this. His cheeks had gone red and he was awkwardly standing there as he slightly support Plum, patting them on the back to soothe them.
"...How about...I uh...Walk you back to your room..?"
Eidolon offered to a very panicked Plum.
"...Yes please,"


"God...The sewers are awful...How does a place with only water produce so much fucking noise?"
Plum questioned as Eidolon walked next to them up the stairs, grabbing the handrail tightly so as not to fall.
"..No clue..."
Eidolon muttered, getting to the top of the staircase with Plum. Plum ignored the korneelius in the corner to the best of their ability, and so did Eidolon. Plum got to the door to their room and sighed.
"Sorry for the trouble Eidolon- ..The sewers scare the living shit out of me..."
Plum sighed.
"It's- ...It's fine..."
Eidolon nodded.
"Goodnight Plum- And...Try not to come out during night time again...."
Eidolon muttered, before walking off.
Plum stood there blankly, before going back to the safety of their room to go back to sleep...

Chapter 8 is done!
It's much longer, and I hope this chapter was enjoyable to read^^

:)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora