Eidolon :< [chapter 9]

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~ third person perspective
After a few more hours, Eidolon's night shift was over. The lights of the playground had turned on, signalling that Eidolon could go outside to Jovial Sun Paradise.
He quickly headed to the door leading outside. He opened it, quickly leaving.
What he didn't expect was to literally get slapped in the face by a gust of biting cold air. It stung his face and he gasped and closed his eyes, before shakily opening his eyes. It had suddenly gotten much colder. He could have sworn it was just 30° yesterday. When did it..?
Eidolon walked to the the spot he normally stood out, slowly getting used to the cold and enjoying the cooler weather.
As he walked back to the spot, he was suddenly ambushed and tackled by a much smaller figure, sending him crashing to the ground with a yelp.
Illusia Feread questioned, grabbing and hugging Eidolon tightly, and their nose was slightly runny.
Eidolon was still a bit caught off guard.
Illusia questioned.
"...I think it's because we're nearing winter..."
Eidolon muttered, sitting up awkwardly as Illusia clung onto Eidolon. Eidolon eventually stood up, with the much smaller figure of Illusia Feread clinging onto him like a Koala.
Eidolon silently wondered to himself if part of his fate of being in Jovial Playground and Sun Paradise was to be clung onto like a tree. Autumn in Jovial Playground wasn't necessarily that bad. It was a good relief from Summer, where it would be excruciatingly hot. Except for that one time when it had gotten so cold Eidolon and Illusia had to go inside one month earlier to keep themselves from freezing to death. But Winter was another story. It would start snowing, and the pool would freeze from how cold it was. It was to the point Jovial Sun Paradise was barely inhabitable, and Eidolon and Illusia Feread would be allowed inside so they don't freeze into blocks of ice.

As Eidolon let Illusia continue clinging to him, Illusia eventually popped up with another question.
"Also- How was your night shift? Was it okay?"
Illusia asked Eidolon.
"Ah...It was...The same...But I met Plum again...."
Eidolon commented.
Illusia stared blankly at Eidolon, as if questioning what Eidolon just said.
"...Plum went downstairs...And I ran into them,"
Eidolon answered.
"...oh...You should feed them to the sewer beings next time they do that,"
Illusia said in a half serious half joking tone.
"...Illusia- ..No-"
Eidolon muttered.
"Okay okay I'm kidding...But that stupid fuck has got to stop- I feel like they are doing this on purpose- Always bumping into you and looking for you and-"
Illusia grumbled.
Hearing that, Eidolon realised how often Plum did come looking for him...Last night they did come downstairs and looked for him- ...Eidolon did think it was a bit weird to why they did that....He wondered why...

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