Plum :3! [chapter 5]

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~ third person perspective
Plum was admittedly a little nervous, as they walked out Jovial Playground with the lunchbox in their hands.
They had taken Scrith's advice and were going to try having lunch with Eidolon. As they walked down the multi coloured pathway of Jovial Sun Paradise, they glanced up to look at the sky. They caught a glimpse of the sun and how blinding it was. It seemed to serve as a reminder of how rarely Plum went outside. As Plum walked under the clock tower, they saw Eidolon standing by the wall.
Plum got a bit closer to Eidolon, and Eidolon noticed them. As always, Eidolon looked startled, before quickly running away from Plum.
This time, instead of just standing there, Plum decided to take a risk, and pursue the night guard. They held the lunchbox close to their chest with one arm, before starting to chase after Eidolon, which was a pretty stupid decision (since to Eidolon, Plum was chasing after him and it was horrifying since it felt like they were gonna maul him or something).
As Plum chased after the poor night guard, they tried to explain themselves.
That wasn't until Eidolon tripped and fell face first onto the floor, giving both him and Plum a scare. Plum looked terrified, as they quickly ran forward to help Eidolon up.
Plum's question was soon answered when Eidolon glanced up, a really big bruise on his forehead from falling. Plum almost cried on the spot-


After Plum (pretty reluctantly?) got help from Illusia Feread to treat Eidolon's wound, Plum and Eidolon had gone over to sit on one of the benches.
"..I'm- really sorry about that....I didn't mean to scare you that badly- ...I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me..?"
Plum asked hesitantly, showing Eidolon the lunchbox they had brought with them.
"..Um..It's okay...Sure- I'd love to have lunch with you..."
Eidolon answered, giving Plum a slight smile.
Plum turned a bit red, seeing Eidolon smile, before smiling back. Plum opened the lunchbox and offered a sandwich to Eidolon, and Eidolon took a sandwich.
The two of them just silently sat next to one another, starting to eat their sandwiches and enjoying the other's company.
Eidolon took a few bites of the sandwich, tasting it and thinking for a while. Plum would occasionally glance at Eidolon in anticipation, to see what his reaction would be.
"Mhm...This is really...good....Thanks Plum,"
Eidolon said after a while, looking over to Plum and smiling softly.
Plum was silently telling themself how pretty Eidolon's smile was. It took them a moment to process what Eidolon said, as they quickly interrupted their thoughts.
"Oh- I'm glad to know that- I helped to make some of them-!"
Plum chirped to Eidolon merrily, their heart rapidly pounding against their chest from both excitement and anxiety. Eidolon and Plum went back to eating their sandwiches, while Plum would take an occasional glance at Eidolon.


"...Thanks again for the sandwich...Plum,"
Eidolon thanked Plum as he accompanied them to the entrance of Jovial Playground.
"It's nothing! I'm sorry for scaring you earlier- You sure you're okay?"
Plum asked, opening the door and getting ready to go back inside. Eidolon gave a slight nod.
"Yeah...I'm sure..."
Eidolon confirmed to Plum.
"Great! And uh- ...Do you wanna have lunch with me more often now..? It's fine if no-"
Plum asked Eidolon, holding the lunchbox in their hands tightly. There was a slight bit of unease in their voice as they said that.
"..Sure..! I'd love to have lunch with you..."
Eidolon gave Plum a soft smile.

The immense amount of joy that filled Plum's heart in that moment was overwhelming, and they couldn't help but smile warmly. They said goodbye to Eidolon, before going back inside...

Chapter 5 is done! This chapter was a little bit longer that usual though! Hopefully, I made Plum and Eidolon as accurate as possible, but if I didn't, you have my apologies! Eidolon and Plum's relationship will most likely be slow burn!

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