Plum :3 [Chapter 3]

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~ third person perspective
"Scrith, do you know how to make new friends?"
Plum asked their coworker the moment the cafeteria was empty and all the children had ran off to play. Scrith turned to Plum, glancing up from her tamagotchi for a split second, with a look on her face that plainly said: Why are you asking me? Before her attention was fixated on the small square screen.
"I really want to be friends with that...Pretty guard guy in Jovial Sun Paradise- But he keeps running away when I try to approach him,"
Plum continued to Scrith, sounding a bit disappointed as they said that.
Scrith looked up from her tamagotchi, sensing the disappointment in her friend's voice. Scrith seemed to think for a while on what to say to Plum to properly console them.

Scrith eventually tapped Plum on the shoulder (to ensure she got Plum's attention), and quickly signed to Plum:
The night guard is called Eidolon. I think he likes to paint, and he likes to eat meat. Maybe you could bring him some food and have lunch with him during lunch breaks?

Plum stared blankly at Scrith for a moment, taking time to process what Scrith just told them, before literally screaming in annoyance.

Plum screamed, really annoyed at themself for not thinking of that. Scrith pat her friend on the shoulder to calm them down, signing to them:
Calm down Plum. It's okay. Why not you go get some sandwiches tomorrow, maybe some drinks, and go outside and have lunch with Eidolon? Just be calm about it, Eidolon is a nice guy, I swear.
Plum was still extremely exasperated for not being able to think of such a simple solution to their issue. They took a deep breath to steady themself, nodding their head as they regained their composure.
"Yeah...Thanks Scrith,"
Plum said, quickly giving Scrith a tight hug. Scrith flinched a little, before wrapping her arms around Plum and patting the inertia on the back. Eventually, Plum pulled away from their friend and smiled.

"Thanks again Scrith! I feel much better now!"
Plum chirped, before going back to their spot behind the counter and getting ready to get back to work. Just in time, a kid had ran over to purchase a sandwich and a slushie.

Scrith watched as Plum worked away enthusiastically, a bright smile on their face now that they had found a solution to their slight problem. Scrith sighed to herself, picking up her tamagotchi again and focusing on the small square screen.
She didn't exactly understand Plum sometimes, but she was glad Plum was her friend, and she wanted to help Plum in whatever way possible...

Chapter 3 is done! I will be trying to post one or two chapters a day!

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