Chapter 18

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November 11, 2:00 PM 1958 Esthirant 1st Foreign Affairs Department

 The American delegation that had been invited to continue diplomatic discussions in the 1st Foreign Affairs Department had just arrived and sat on the seats in the diplomatic room

 Elt who had been waiting for him for a while immediately began his speech, "US Delegates, as you know we have never had diplomatic contact between our two nations so if you want we could start a peaceful discussion with some information you want to give us about your nation obviously If you don't want who are we to force you"

Elt raised an eyebrow as he opened the documents and was quite shocked that first of all the document was not only in his language but it was also the language used was very cultured as if they had already known the language for many years (The Parpaldina language was very similar to the old French from the 1200s, so after a bit of intelligence work and the help of some university professors a fairly decent document had emerged) then I look at the paper which was certainly eons ahead of the paper used by Parpaldia, after this shock I arrive at another, that is, the numbers of the population and the photos that were in the dossier of gigantic cities and skyscrapers that rivaled those of HME

Elt put the documents on the table and said, "It seems that in addition to a modern navy you also have a very modern country."

 Ogen Reid replied, "It seems your country is still in the Victorian era."

 Elt asked him, "What do you mean by Victorian age?"

 Ogen with a smile there replied with a smile, "A period of our history that occurred a century ago nothing to worry about"

 Elt had understood from the beginning of the meeting that one thing is that the Americans are more advanced than them and are more ready to shed rivers of blood especially after the incident in the Tracj fort

 As he was about to answer the bells rang, signaling the end of the meeting

 The two diplomats greeted each other and Elt told him, "If you want we can have another meeting after the national holiday, and in any case if you want to come to the ball that will be held at the Imperial Palace you are welcome, I will send you a carriage"

 Ogen replied to him, "I would be more than honored to come so I accept your invitation"

So the Americans left the room and headed towards the Mu embassy where Reider and Mugei were waiting there for a real diplomatic meeting between the two nations

 Mu Embassy, ​​5:24 PM November 11 1958

 Mugei and Reider were sitting at a table while waiting for the Americans and Mugei immediately asked Reider, "So I need all the information you have on these Americans."

 Reider then replied, "First of all their technological level is definitely more advanced than ours, I have seen videos of their weapons in action against the Parpaldia navy, sure they have guided missiles, supersonic jets and rapid fire cannons but not we know what technological level their submarines are at, we think that their industrial capabilities could be equal or superior to ours and they could have other armaments that we are not yet aware of, the most striking thing is that they come from the same world as us! "

 Mugei, a little taken aback by the last part, asked, "Are you really sure about this?!"

 Reider very seriously replied, "I'm sure, they also have the same maps of our old planet without our continent!"

Mugei then told him, "This is very important information, the public must not know for now, all this information must be protected by state secrecy since we are in a difficult situation, it seems to me like another world war and very close so we can't make the HME appear to be surrounded so as not to corner it"

 Reider replied, "They probably know the US exists but they don't know their relationship with us so yeah we have to make this seem like a coincidence even though it's going to be quite difficult"

As soon as Reider finished his speech, a member of the embassy staff informed him that the Americans had arrived

 When the Americans entered the room they sat down in the chairs at the table and Mugei offered them, "Would you like some tea, gentlemen?"

 Ogen replied, "Yes, thank you"

 So Mugei signaled to his assistant to bring some tea and while this was happening Mugei said to the Americans,  "Let the first diplomatic discussion between the United States of America and the Republic of Mu begin"

Qua-Toyne Republic,  Lean Nou Forest 11 November 1958

 Professor Huib Boeckholt (Dutch born in Dutch East India with US passport) together with Professor Nishihara Okakura (Japanese who immigrated to the United States after WW2) are both from the University of San Francisco, the first is a scholar of religions while the second is a scholar of cultures and with this transfer they now have a lot of work to do

 Their guides are Wol and Meena two high elves who live in this forest

 Meena said to the two researchers, "The road from here onwards is very difficult if you want we can stop to rest"

 Nishihara replied, "I spent 3 years in China and one in Guinea, I think I've seen all the most disgusting ones in the world"

 Huib told him, "Even Burma didn't joke about difficult roads and where to find them"

The two elves did not understand what the two men were referring to and continued to follow the road and strangely for men the two did not seem at all tired by the road

 Wol after a little way said to him, "Soon you will see one of the most sacred objects in the forest, a flying boat of the Emissaries of the Sun God, but we have to cross a piece of swamp to get there"

The two humans didn't think too much about it and began the stretch of swamp together with the two elves

 Wol told him, "We're almost there"

 Upon seeing the flying boat, Nishihara stopped and turned to Huib and said, "That's some damn Shoki!!"

 Huib, who hadn't yet seen the plane, moved a little further to see it better and then, excited by the discovery, he shouted, "Yes! That's definitely a Tojo!!"

 The two elves turned and Wol asked, "Do you know what it is?!"

 Huib replied, "Of course, one of those bastards killed three people in my squad when we were advancing to Maungdaw!"

 The four approached the plane the two elves knelt in front of the plane then Huib asked him, "Can we come closer to take some photos?"

 Meena replied, "Yes, be careful not to fall."

The two approached and started taking many photos of the plane then Nishihara said to Huib, "There's a writing here!"

 Huib then answered him, "What does it say?"

 Nishihara was silent for half a minute and then replied, "It says, 'Otherworld IJA Air Corps' never heard of this in my life. Maybe it's best to notify the university and the army. I could call some old friends if there is the need of more help"

(guys, as you can see the school has blocked me from making more Chapters, sorry, let's hope it doesn't happen again, as always I invite you to make comments and leave your ideas here, a thanks to my editor FooterHooter who couldn't work like me because of school)

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