Chapter 13

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Sard Naval Base, 1958 September 30, 6:23 PM

Admiral Raider was deep in thought after watching this documentary he was quite shocked by the situation and said to the American officers,  "Your situation is hard to believe, but seeing as a nation as advanced as yourselves would be contacted by the explorations of the area, I believe you"

He took a short pause and then continued, "But I saw a map of your world before you appeared here, I saw that it bears uncanny resemblance to a map of our world before we were transported here"

At that moment everyone in that room turned in amazement, everyone except Myrus who had already suspected it since he had seen a map when he was called by Admiral Felix Stump since he was the only soldier on board the La Casima, but he had kept himself the idea for himself since he didn't remember the old world map well since he had studied it in school many years ago

 Admiral Raider stood up and went to tell an officer outside the room, "Go get a map of the old world."

 The officer, taken aback, took a while to find the map and give it to the admiral

 The group moved to a table in the next room

 Everyone looked at the map and immediately saw that they were not only similar but almost the same except for one continent

 Admiral Felix Stump was quick to point out, "This continent certainly did not exist in our old world."

 Myrus replied, "Obviously this is the continent of Mu before transport to this world."

This seemed impossible but everyone quickly accepts it after all these proofs,  they came from the same world

The mood changed in an instant from nations with nothing in common and with many conflicting interests to nations united by the same blood, even if it seems a strange thing we must understand that Mu was always in a state of war in this world with the natives and see a nation coming from the same place where their nation was born was a fantastic prospect for the nation of Mu who was always proud of its origins, the same thing can be said for America although a thousand times stronger since only a few years has passed since the transport to this world unlike the several thousand years that Mu had spent in this world

From this moment the two nations laid the foundations for a mighty alliance that together with another newcomer will make the world tremble

Leifor, sea near the capital Leiforia, 30 September 1958 night

 A formation of KB-34 transports packed with paratroopers escorted by several squadrons of embarked TA-22 fighters Fighter Squadron Leader Sart asks his peer commanding the transports,  "Where is the infantry echelon airlanded?"

 Astor the transport squadron leader replied, "They had to take the KT-3s out of the warehouses because they were the only heavy planes that could make the trip and we had them in large numbers so they will be quite late compared to the paras"

Sart then said, "Okay, we have enough fuel to stay with you for another 5 hours."

 When he finished saying these words one of his pilots equipped with TA-22 modified with a Bombsight that he was using to search the terrain tells him, "We are above land"

 Astor then tells his men, "Get the paratroopers ready."

 Sart orders the fighters, "One squadron stays with the transports, the others with me."

The city was not very visible, much less the airport since there was very little public lighting. To overcome this problem, the central command had a group of secret agents infiltrate who, after having received the signal to start the operation thanks to a mini-radio, they rushed into action and lit up the area around the airport with flare

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