Chapter 17

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Author's note: (As you will see or an editor now is I must say that he has done a phenomenal job in giving emotions to this story which has always been a bit flat in that sense there, as always, I invite you to leave comments with ideas or other things which are always welcome) 

Editor's note: 'Ello everyone, new editor here, just wanted to say hello. I hope you enjoy how the story looks with my editing, feedback such as constructed criticism is welcome, thank ya.'

Credit: (Credits go to FooterHooter who sweetened and improved my story)

11 November, 1958 

Esthirant, Parpaldian Empire

Director Kaios was the first important person to arrive at the port, followed by two parliamentarians a few minutes later. It was a sight to see, large mechanical ships, hoisting a flag of red, white and blue, had made an appearance in one of the cornerstones of the Third Civilization area, Parpaldia. It was safe to say that it had made an impact on the locals, Kaios however, instead of being stunned by shock like everyone else, began to prepare a regiment of honor to welcome the ambassador of the newly arrived nation.

From behind his assistant came up, informing Kaios, "The flag those ships fly fits the description of the nation that's driving us out of our colonies outside of the civilized areas, those ships most likely hail from the same nation."

One of the members of parliament, Esto Wald stated, "Those ships look eerily similar to Mu's mechanical ships."

Fellow member of parliament, Dartu Rantel asked his companion, "Do you think Mu provided them ships? Could they be trying to assert a sphere of influence here?"

The answer came not from Esto but from Kaios, "No, you see those ships?" Kaios asked as he pointed towards one of the few mechanical ships anchored near the dock.

"If Mu had built them, they would certainly be in their own fleet defending their nation against the Mirishials, even if Mu had moved their own ships from their continent to the Third Civilization,  the Mirishials would be first to warn us. Considering how far the Mu continent is, it is also very unlikely they would make such an appearance so suddenly." 

Dartu told him, "So, you think we have a nation with capabilities that's on par with Mu's that is this close to us, and we never noticed?"

"So it would seem." Kaios replied.

One of the ships 'CB-3', raised the flags of Admiral Raider, Admiral Felix Stump and the international diplomatic flag.

The said ship began to move towards the dock and so Kaios ordered the honor regiment which is made up of soldiers under the command of the Third Foreign Affairs Department and sailors posted to guard the port, to prepare the arrival of the foreign delegates.

Esto asked Kaios, "But where are the men of the First Foreign Affairs Department?" 

Kaios replied, "Good question, however, it would take too long to find them and have delegates wait for far longer than needed, so in the meantime, I will take charge of the situation. Would you like to come with me to greet the delegates?"

The two responded in unison, a resounding agreement. Around ten minutes later, the ship was attached to the dock, a large impact mark could be seen on the bow of the ship. The impact attracted more attention as a few onlookers looked curiously at the metal ship.

From the ship that looked like a heavy cruiser on steroids with pure crack, a ladder came out and came into contact with the dock, from there, fourteen heavily armed men climbed out, followed by senior officers and men dressed in plain clothes, the foreign soldiers stepped down, letting the officers and civilians pass by them.

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