Chapter 12

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United States of America, White House, 1958 September 30, 3:12 PM

President Eisenhower was resting and thinking about this year where the economy had taken a huge hit and for a few months there was the danger of entering an economic crisis that would make the great depression look like a flat line on the graphs of American economy, the American government had to resort to very stringent economic measures to save the nation but the situation was slowly returning to normal thanks to the need to modernize an entire continent to American standards

There was a group of senators and representatives in Congress who wanted to put restrictions on the materials that American companies could trade with the outside world but they couldn't get anything done as virtually every single American company flooded Congress with money to Don't let any restrictions pass

So in a few months a continent that was previously at medieval levels had ended up in the 1950s, this had obviously led to great political and social upheavals never experienced by any nation, and this was slowly bringing the situation into a real civil war between the nobility and the proletariat and the United States were still deciding who to support

Lost in thought he was brought back to reality by a knock on the door the president said, "Come in."

General Omar Bradley entered and closed the door behind him, "President, our navy has contacted the Mu naval base, for now we don't know the outcome of the diplomatic meeting"

 The satisfied president said, "Very good,  how is Operation Cyrus the Great going?"

 The General replied, "The first test with positive results, the second test with a larger atomic warhead will be carried out in a few hours from now MacArthur will also be there to see the test"

 The President on hearing MacArthur's name said,  "At last the damned ones forced me to reinstate Dugout Doug to active duty"

 General Bradley then shrugged, "That's how politics works."

Kingdom of Quilia, nuclear range 4:34 PM

 General MacArthur was entering the command bunker

 Greeted by a Magical Researcher (previously they were called wizards but with the great technological advancement magic had been relegated to the study of new weaponry) who said, "General of the Army, we are honored to have you here, would you like to see the prototypes we will use in the test ?"

 General MacArthur, intrigued by this proposal, replied, "Certainly, lead the way."

The two moved towards the anti-atomic doors which with a sign from the researcher were opened by the two soldiers on guard, they continued inside a corridor up to a door which, after being opened by an MP on guard, allowed them to enter the room. which housed the prototypes

The first thing he was shown was a bomb with fins, the researcher looking at the General's interested face said, "Are you familiar with the concept of a glide bomb?"

 The General replied, "I had heard of it as a concept but I had heard that the electronics needed to get it to the target are very expensive and that a missile is easier and less expensive to use."

 The researcher then said, "Yes, what he said is all right, but we have managed by combining magic and technology to make a much less expensive system and we have prepared a universal module to transform any type of bomb into a glide bomb"

The General looked positively impressed by this information and said, "This is a surprise, I thought the two were incompatible."

 The researcher then shows them the highlight of the research done this year, "This is the copy of the Mark 11 that we will use in the test, the one we will detonate is made with uranium found in the mountains of Quilia even if obviously the bomb was made in the United States, we enriched it with some magical gems"

 MacArthur then asked him, "What effect do magic gems have on a nuclear bomb?"

 The researcher replied, "It would seem that they manage to burn any magical machinery and block the use of magic in general for several hours, although unlike when they are placed in normal explosives they do not increase the power of the bomb but are still useful in case of war with an enemy who uses magic as the backbone of his army, so almost the entire world apart from Mu and his allies and puppets"

The General then looked at his watch and said, "The test is coming up soon, we should get moving."

 So the two moved towards the observation bunker not far from the main structure

 The two entered the bunker structure and got ready behind the tempered glass to see the test and put on protective glasses so as not to be blinded

 At 5 o'clock I start the countdown, "Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Zero"

 The atomic bomb exploded in a flash of light that blinded everyone for a moment, after a few seconds came the shock wave of 25 Kt of pure atomic energy that made the ground and glass shake

 The General after the shock wave passed took off his glasses to see the effects better, when he took them off he saw a rainbow of colors which was a very different sight from other atomic explosions he had seen.

 The General was so engrossed in watching this spectacle of colors and lightning that he almost didn't notice that the researcher had fallen to the ground.

 Everyone in the room moved to run past the researcher who managed to break the fall with his hands

 MacArthur startled a little and shouted as he helped him up,  "What happened to you, son?"

 The researcher who sat down with the help of an engineering officer said, "It's probably a side effect not yet seen from the bomb on people with high magical concentration but I'm already better so it should be temporary."Taking the document, MacArthur suddenly frowned and said, "We have to go, get me a plane to Maihark"

The emotion that was fading after the event was reignited when a Marine Colonel ran in with a document which he handed to the General.

The General took a moment to read the document carefully when he finished it with a face that showed a lot of anger he shouted, "We have to move, prepare a plane for Maihark! And put all American troops on maximum alert"

(so chapter 12 is finished, we'll see when I'll be able to release chapter 13 anyway I wanted to know if you like the story and if you have any ideas or suggestion, and I would also like to know what you didn't like about chapter 11 and sorry if it's a little shorter than usual but this week I didn't have time to do much for the story)

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