Chapter 20

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Credit: FooterHooter

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12 November 1958

Esthirant, Parpaldian Empire

Embassy of the Republic of Acadie

Ogen had recovered from the shock quite quickly and did not show it too much in the eyes of the various delegates.

So he took his seat on of the very many chairs, as soon as the American diplomat sat down, Ambassador Guillemin Morin began his speech, "Delegates, I've brought bad news, the Demon Lord's army is on the march, we estimate that they will meet our first defenses in no less than three months, we think we're able hold out for an exact approximation of three months before the situation could start to get messy, so we ask the nations of the Ratunder pact to send reinforcements immediately."

Kaios, who in addition to being the director of the 3rd Foreign Affairs Department, said, "I can immediately send forty thousand soldiers from the colonial army, more reinforcements will arrive as soon as we have the logistics lines ready."

Mugei spoke after Kaios, "For now, we're unable to send anyone, as soon as we have the necessary preparations, we should be able to send at least seventy thousand men."

The ambassador looked towards the two, "This is little reinforcements... but we will make do with what we have, considering this, I'll be forced to call on the Mirishials."

The delegate representing the Holy Mirishial Empire replied, "We can send around a hundred and forty-thousand there as soon as possible, but even then, there's still a war going on."

The ambassador smiled and said, "Very good, I think the Mirishials will be very helpful, so the next meeting of the pact will be in a week."

The other delegates quickly left to attend to other matters at hand, now only Ogen and Guillemin remained, Guillemin began, "Sir I would like to talk about your flag."

Ogen replied, "I would also like to ask you for some explanations."

Guillemin told him, "What would you like to know?"

Ogen began, "I would like to ask you why there are the flags of France, Japan and Sweden behind you."

Guillemin spoke with a nostalgic smile evident in his face, "Then my suspicions were true, your nation is truly the United States of America hailing from Earth."

Ogen spoke with curiosity, "So I take it that you are the union of Japan, France and Sweden who were consequently transported to this world?"

Guillemin replied, "You can say that, the majority of our population remained on the Earth though, so we were forced to "civilize" the locals to survive. We come from different eras, the French were transported in 1940, the Japanese in 1945 and the Swedes in 1953."

Ogen said, "We could send you something to help you but I have to hear from my government first."

Guillemin replied, "Thank you, I think we both have important things to do, is it okay if we resume diplomatic discussions on another date?"

Ogen replied, "That's fine with me."

The two shook hands and Ogen left the embassy towards the port.

November 13 1958, 9:32 AM

Republic of Quilia, New Armaments Range

General Ridgely Gaither was observing the testing of various magical propellants when a researcher approached him, "General, the 'MCC' project is ready, would you like to see the test results?"

The general turned away from the tests and looked at the researcher, "Of course, would you kindly explain the project to me once again, while we head to the testing site."

Both of them started to head towards 'Test Site 12', as the researcher accompanied the general, he began to explain the project, "This project is taking us towards the integration of magic in the US Army, we've managed to build a capacitor of magical gems for people who are inept to it, people like you general, magic inept people will be able to use magic freely, hoping that everything goes well, the first tests will take place today."

The two entered the control bunker, which held many researchers controlling various machinery. From the slit of the bunker, you could see a man with a metal box strapped to his right side from where several cables came protruding out of the box and went in the direction of the bunker.

The general looked at the cable and asked the researcher that accompanied him, "What are all those cables for?"

The researcher explained thoroughly, "Most of the cables is so the machinery are able to check the status of the prototype, while that cable is allows the prototype to be charged and started up, we already have mechanisms ready that allows the prototype to start autonomously but we'll be using the cable version to make sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible."

"Increase power to thirty percent, use electric magic mode." A speaker announced, gaining the attention of the general.

The soldier that had the box strapped to him did as he was ordered, once again the loudspeaker announced, "Do as the wizard taught you."

The soldier thus raised his arms and pointed them towards the front, for a few seconds nothing happened, almost out of nowhere, streaks of lightning began to emerge from the palm of his hands, after a while, the soldier stopped exuding lighting from his hands and brought the power back to one percent so as not to burn out the prototype.

The general was pleasantly surprised by this, "Interesting, but I'm sure there are other ways I presume?"

The researcher told him, "Yes, that was only electronic magic, flame magic will not be tested today, however we will be testing shield mode today, there are other types of magic but they are too far out of league for now and also too expensive in terms of gems."

The general turned back to look outside the bunker, the speaker's voice announced, "Turn power to thirty percent, activate shield mode."

The soldier did what he was asked but this time he didn't need to move his hand to start the magic as a greenish transparent wall immediately materialized in front of him, the wall trembling slightly.

From the speaker you hear, "Power to sixty percent."

The soldier turned up the notch, literally, the wall became firmer and more vibrant in green, the speaker announced, "Infantry firearms test."

From an adjacent part of the bunker, a couple of garands began to shoot bullets against the wall which miraculously resisted, the main show started when a fifty caliber began to spew huge bullets against the wall which resisted but began to show the first signs of failure, the shooting quickly stopped and shouts of joy roared from the soldier who had not been reduced like Gruyere.

The general spoke in an excited voice, "Man, this will change the course of war."

The researcher looked at his watch and said to the general, "We still have time and the instruments are ready if you want we can test the flame magic."

The general said, "Of course, you can test it."

The speaker announced unexpectedly, "New test, activate flame magic and lower power to forty percent."

The soldier did as he was told and raised his arms as he had done with electric magic, flames of various colors began to come out of his hands that reached a range of 30 meters, approximately two thirds of the range of a mechanical flamethrower.

The soldier then lowered his arms and returned the prototype to one percent.

And over the speakers you hear, "Test series over, turn off prototype and take it back to the researchers."

The soldier then turned off the prototype and brought it to some other soldiers who had come out to get it.

So the general spoke as he exited the bunker, "Really interesting, I'll have to start studying some new tactics for this new armament."

But before going to his office he went to greet the soldier that tested the magic and while the general complimented the soldier, a new era had been born in the United States Armed Forces.

50s USA in the new world (On Hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن