Chapter 9

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September 20, 1958 8:37 AM

 A group of soldiers dressed as if they were in WW1 and a group of people in civilian clothes were surrounding a camp in a forest

 They were armed with Krag, M1917 Enfield, Springfield M1903 and with almost anachronistic M3 grease gun and M1919 Browning

 They were Qua-Toyne's occupation troops and the new rangers of Louria that were formed after the war

 These two groups of soldiers were part of Operation Custer which aimed to clear the forests of Louria of the bandits that had greatly increased with the destruction of the Louria army

Once the camp was surrounded and the machine guns were ready, the soldiers waited for the order to fire which within seconds was given by the American officer who commanded them.

 So a wall of bullets began to hit the tents of the bandits who were sleeping, the few who managed to escape were caught and shot either by the rangers or by Qua-Toyne's soldiers

These scenes were common in occupied Louria and the civilian population who were now exasperated by the bandits joyfully welcomed the soldiers who had freed them from this great problem

Meanwhile in the sea two fleets were joining up, the first was the Fleet accompanying the merchant ship La Casima and the second was the Fleet in case Parpaldia had strange ideas

 If the first fleet could easily destroy the entire navy of Parpaldia the second could do it even more efficiently formed by 2 CVA, 1 BBG, 3 BB, 2 CB, 4 CA, 4 CL, 2 LDS, 3 AKA and 28 DD under the command of Admiral Felix Stump

It was intended to have a very large light ship component to destroy Parpaldia's ironclads and proto pre-dreadnought with their torpedoes and a large aerial component to destroy the enemy wyverns thanks to the new Forrestal class supercarrier

It also has a small number of men ready to launch an amphibious assault if ever needed

La Casima, open sea September 20 12:00 AM

 Myrus was photographing the American ships when the third officer approaches saying,  "You have to come see this thing, follow me"

 Following the third officer and pointing the binoculars to where Myrus was pointing, he stops to contemplate the 3 gigantic ships, two aircraft carriers and a battleship

 The battleship was certainly from the same family as the 4 battleships that were accompanying them but it had a different design with two turrets unlike the three of the other class and the rear of the ship had a structure similar to those found in ships armed with missiles anti-aircraft therefore this ship will certainly have a great anti-aircraft capacity, but the two real stars in the eyes of Myrus are the two gargantuan aircraft carriers, if in the field of battleships Mu was still on a technology not too far behind the Americans also thanks to their numerical superiority (60 battleships between ww1 style and fast Battleship and 30 late pre-dreadnought, obviously they have other names but these are the Terrestrial counterparts), however in the field of aircraft carriers Mu was truly backward, these two aircraft carriers alone could tear entire modern fleets to pieces with their planes, their existence was the symbol of the superiority of aircraft carriers over battleships, Myrus was a supporter of a navy centered on aircraft carriers but he would never have thought that they would completely replace the battleships but looking at the US Navy one understood that they kept their battleships not because they need them but becuse they can, they probably wouldn't lose that much firepower if they scrap them thanks to their aircraft carriers whose power Myrus had seen in Jin-Hark

The third officer also looking at the ships said, "They must have gigantic dockyards and an industrial power many times greater than ours."

 Myrus had shifted his attention to two strange ships too large to be CA ​​but too small to be BC, not understanding their use Myrus I think they served as colonial battleships to plan the power of a state without spending too much money

BBG-1 Sep 22 6:54 PM

 Admiral Felix Stump and Admiral James Holloway were looking at a map

 Admiral Felix Stump said, "These are just the latest images taken by a U-2 at Parpaldia Fort on the Tracj island of the kingdom of Altaras, they say we must destroy it and they ordered me to then head for the capital Le Brias where I will use my amphibious force to bring Altaras into our sphere of influence, the CIA has prepared expedients to carry out this maneuver without losing popularity"

 Admiral James Holloway responded,  "What force are we talking about?"

Admiral Felix Stump took some papers and started reading aloud, "There are 8 BI, 4 PC, 1 AC, 6 ships of the line and a CV which obviously uses wyverns, of Terran batteries we have 4 450 mm guns , 9 204 mm and there is an observation battery armed with 127 mm "

 Admiral James Holloway says, "A PC and an AC are indistinguishable from an aircraft how do they know they are those guys?"

 Admiral Felix Stump responded, "The CIA probably has some spy infiltrated in the base"

Admiral James Holloway then said, "Okay, we'll get there in 3 days, let's get ready for the party."

September 24, 1958 9:23 AM

Fort Tracj observation battery

Battery Captain Amor entered the room overlooking the cannons

He was greeted by Deputy Commander Egard and Radio Operator Pai

As he was about to sit on his desk an officer came in and said, "Captain, at the observation tower they say they saw a large fleet approaching."

Amor says, "Egard go and see what's happening"

Egar moves with the officer and closes the door

Pai turns and says, "Do you think it's the Americans?"

Amor replies, "Probably since they're supposed to arrive today, get the gun."

Pai takes a Welrod from his drawer and loads it while Amor takes a Sten Mk IIs and a De Lisle carbine from a cupboard/clandestine armoury and hides them under a cloth

When Egard returns and lets out the officer accompanying him, Amor says, "Are they the Americans?"

Egard responds,  "Yes, let's get the plan started?"

Then Pai replied  "Of course"

Amor then takes the intercom and orders, "Prepare the cannons and load them with projectiles, point them towards the unknown ships while we contact the command"

While he was saying these words Pai took an ax and began to destroy all the magicom devices that were in the room

Meanwhile Egard prepares the centralized fire control of the cannons and sets the timer to 10 minutes from now so that the US Fleet is close enough to be doused by the shell water

 Pai then says, "Come on, we have 10 minutes before the Americans demolish this place."

 Pai looks out with the Welrod behind his back and sees a corridor in which there is only one guard turned around, goes back inside and says, "Pass me the carabine"

 Egard takes the carabine from under the cloth and hands it to him

 Pai comes out again and takes aim with a clear shot to the chest, the guard falls dead without making almost any noise, the shot is not heard thanks both to the weapon's integral silencer and also to everyone's inattention since they are all downstairs. handle cannons

 So the three leave the room and make their way towards the exit which wasn't very far away

 The last obstacle were the three guards who were positioned in front of the exit but they were quickly eliminated by Amor's Sten

 Once out of the battery, since it is very far from the main fort, there is no one there so they go towards a small, mostly unknown bay where they are waited for by a speedboat

 Amor screams, "Hercules"

 From the boat you hear, "Jupiter"

 Then the three go out and are helped into the boat just in time to hear the battery open fire

 The small boat moves away and they head towards the mother ship not too far away

BBG-1 bridge

Admiral Felix Stump orders, "Command all ships to prepare their guns, when the gun are ready they may begin firing on their initiative."

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