Chapter 8

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Waters near Jin-Hark,  13 August 9:00 AM

 Captain's cabin of the merchant ship La Casima

 The Captain with the officer Myrus are seated together with the American ambassador John Hay Whitney and a lieutenant of the American navy

 I, Captain, began, "Sorry about the environment, it was the only place on the ship where you could talk in private."

 American Ambassador replied, "Don't worry, I understand that you were not expecting a foreign diplomat, however speaking of serious matters we would like to accompany your ship to your home port"

 The Captain then thought about it and replied, "It could be done, but we would like to know which fleet will accompany us and when we will be free to go"

 Then the Lieutenant replied, "As soon as Jin-Hark is surrounded a fleet of 2 BB, 2 CAG, 2 CLG, 4 DL, 1 DDG and 15 DD leaves with you, the only thing we would like to know is where is your port of origin"

 The Captain, seeing the large number of ships, replied, "Our home port is Sadr Bay in the kingdom of Marl, the only problem is that we wouldn't have enough coal to travel the 12,000 km needed to get there."

 The Lieutenant replied reassuring the Captain,  "Rest assured our support ships will bring fuel and food to make the journey, however you could give me a map of the nautical journey"

 Officer Myrus took a map and the Captain began to mark a line, seeing the line the Lieutenant said, "Why not passing through that strait would shorten the journey by at least 3000 km?"

 Myrus replied, "The problem is that Parpaldia's strong and they have a fairly light"

 The ambassador and the Lieutenant started laughing when they stopped the Lieutenant replied, "Let them try, we will show them what we did in Okinawa"

 The ambassador then added, "It looks like we'll have to add an amphibious fleet as well."

 The ambassador then stood up and said, "I will report the situation, I think Parpaldia won't try, but we should probably add more ships in case he gets any strange ideas."

 As they walked out Myrus asked the Lieutenant something,  "I know the terms CA, CL and DD but what would CAG, DDG and DL be?"

 The Lieutenant apologized, "Sorry, probably your navy don't use those terms, DLs are DDs but larger to act as squadron leaders while DDGs, CAGs and CLGs are anti-aircraft guided missile ships."

After the two Americans get off the ship Myrus tells the captain, "They are clearly technologically superior to us, they have jets and guided missiles of the former we have flying prototypes while we don't even have paper prototypes of the latter"

 The Captain replied, "Let's hope the government doesn't mess up, we are in the second cabinet this year"

 Myrus saluted and went to his cabin to write a report for the naval command which he will give when he is in Sadr's base

2 weeks later Walls of Jin-Hark

 The city previously home to more than 700,000 people is now at most with 10,000 people not counting the military, which is 50,000 which on paper may seem like a lot but in truth is a collection of garrison units and soldiers who survived the surprise attack American, are demoralized and under the command of Swallow who is the highest ranking officer still alive

Meanwhile, American officers were thinking about how to capture the city without destroying it

 During the meeting between the coalition forces taking part in the siege

 General Thomas Francis Hickey said, "Gentlemen, we have two ways to keep the city intact: the first is to starve them but it will take too long and the second is to demand their surrender now."

 General Nou replied, "They are tough guys, our best chance is to starve them."

 A man in plain clothes enters the tent everyone turns to see who he is, no one knows him but it's clear he's from the CIA he sits down and says,  "You can ask for surrender, it will be accepted, Swallow is one of our men"

 And so out he goes, General Thomas Francis Hickey said, "Looks like we have our answer to how to resolve this situation."

One hour later

 An M48 with a white flag approaches the southern gate of the first city wall with behind its mass an M59 with a translator, a captain and their escort

The soldiers of Louria prepare their bows but seeing the white flag they understand that it is a request for surrender and go to call their superior officer who after having ascertained the situation goes to call the commander of the garrison Swallow

Swallow moves to put on his chainmail and says, "Knights, I accept surrender, we all know what they are capable of and we cannot put our honor before the lives of our men."

 Everyone didn't say a word, everyone had understood American power either under the bombs or watching the effects of the bombs

 Swallow then left his headquarters and ordered the gates of the wall to be opened

 The image of the M48 becomes bigger and bigger and when its entire mass is in front of the Louria officers, the American diplomatic team comes out of the M59 that was behind it

 The Captain and Swallow approached in unison and shook hands

 The Captain said, "I declare surrender negotiations have begun."

In a room at Jin-Hark Headquarters, Swallow and the Captain are alone, good thing that as a child, Swallow had learned the common language unlike the other Louria officers.

Swallow says, "So what are the conditions?"

 The Captain replied, "It will be an unconditional surrender, but you can rest assured the state of Louria will remain on the map and there will be no major territorial changes"

 Slallow then says,  "What form of government shall we have?"

 The Captain replied, "A republic, you can rest assured the nobles will still have most of the power, but we have to justify the war with our public opinion so we should make a change of government even if it is fake, then we will modernize your army and infrastructure but we will have to occupy your country for a few months"

 Swallow then said, "Give me the papers and I'll sign them."

 The Captain passes him the papers for Louria's surrender and Swallow quickly signs them and passes them to him

Thus the war with Louria ended but now its occupation begins

September 19, 1958 6:00 AM

A Sailor enters the control room of the La Casima and says to the captain, "The US Navy has informed us that we can depart at a speed of 18 knots"

The Captain replied, "Good, let's get ready for the trip to home"

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