Chapter 5

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(this chapter will be rewritten, rest assured the plot will not change)

11 months later

 Qua-Toyne Louria border August 11 6:40 AM

 A group of soldiers was moving through the tall grass towards a wooded hill

 Scout: "Sir we are coming near the hills, we will be safe there"

 Scout Captain: "Good, quick"

 What they didn't know was that two border guards were watching them from 500 meters away with binoculars

 Border Guard: "They are Scouts from Louria"

 Sniper: "It looks like 5, can the camera take a decent photo at this distance?"

 Border Guard: "I'll try to take a photo, you have to kill at least one of them so we can send a decent photo to command"

 Sniper: "Okay"

 After the Guard takes the photo the sniper prepares for a shot takes aim and shoots, one of the Scouts falls dead

 Scout 1#: "Shit, they got the commander!"

 Scout 2#: "Since when do they have rifles?!"

 They didn't even have time to take the Captain's body before another one fell dead

 Scout 1#: "Let's go back! We don't have time to get the bodies!"

 The remaining scouts managed to escape but the border guards managed to recover documents from the commander's body and take photos

 While the two guards returned to the base in the Coalition Forces Command in the capital of Qua-Toyne, an important discussion took place

 General William Westmoreland: "Wouldn't we be using too many forces in case of war with Louria?"

 General Ine: "They are supported by Parpaldia a Superpower, if we don't want Parpaldia to start sending their troops we must break their legs immediately"

 General Lewis Burwell: "The problem is that we cannot use our troops to occupy Louria for too long"

 General Ine: "For now we have 50,000 modernly armed and trained soldiers, if you give us a month we can call 100,000 conscripts even if we have to use weapons dating back to your First World War but I don't think it will be a problem since they will serve as occupation troops "

 General Frederic Harrison: "The new F-105s have arrived from the continental United States, to which front are we sending them?"

 General William Westmoreland: "On the Quilia Front, since we have fewer planes in that area they can be useful"

 Admiral Felix Stump: "What is the situation with Qua-Toyne's navy?"

 Admiral Nouka: "Excellent the crews have finished their training"

 Admiral Felix Stump: "Excellent, your navy will have to remain to protect the coast while we participate in the operation"

 2 hours later

 An AU-1 lands, a lieutenant of the Qua-Toyne border guards with a briefcase exits the aircraft and enters a jeep that was waiting for him, having arrived at the command he enters and approaches the meeting room, shows his ID and is done enter and stand at attention

 General Ine: "At rest, show us the photos"

 Hold: "Yes sir"

 He puts down his briefcase and opens it, takes out a document with bloodstains and some photos

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