Fondling Festival!

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(Y/N): Alright! Would you ladies mind accepting Momiji Momi as my newest girlfriend? 

Momiji: Just remember it like Nobita Nobi, okay? My Dad has a similar name, by the way. 

Karane: Is it Momisuke? 

Kurumi then saw Momiji, and- 

Momiji: IT'S YOU! 

Shizuka: "You know her Kurumi-San?" 

Momiji: Oh yeah. Kurumi-San sits next to me in class. This is our first time talking. You're always sitting by yourself polishing off your lunch before noon. I figured you were some delinquent. 

Kurumi: And you're always sitting by yourself, groping things. 

Momiji: So, we're friends now. Nice to meet you. 

Kurumi: Same. 

They shook hands. 

Momiji: As a token of friendship, may I have the privilege of massaging all of you? 

She looked at Hakari, Hahari, and Meme. 

Momiji: You all have fine features, and your shoulders are in pain. Here goes. 

She went to massage their shoulders! 


Meme: Th-They really do! I'm going to fly! I- 



She dragged her spirit into her body! 

Momiji: Hmm ... you're so stiff all over your body Mei-San. 

She then massaged Mei's shoulders. 

Momiji: You need to relax. MMMM ... Coochie Coochie coo. 

She rubbed Mei's chest and Mei began to whimper like a dog with tail and ears and everything. 

Karane: HEY! She's not a dog! 

Kusuri: That looks like fun! Yep! Gimme a massage, too, Yep! 

Momiji: How old are you Kusuri-San? 

Kusuri: I'm 18. My body's currently that of an 8-year-old, Yep! 

Momiji: I see. You have no stiffness whatsoever. But your brow is stiff. IRON CLAW! 

She then moved on to Chiyo! 

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She then moved on to Chiyo! 

Momiji: Chiyo-San, you're very young too. But you're very stiff. 

She went to the shoulders. 

Chiyo: AAHHH! That's firm and good. 

Then she went to Shizuka. 

Momiji: Your hobby is reading, right Shizuka-San? Your stiffness tells me what I need to know. 

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