Nano vs. Mimimi!

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Announcer: THE WINNER OF MIREI JUNIOR HIGH'S BEAUTY PAGEANT IS .... NANO EIAI!!! Do you have any thoughts to share? 

Nano: I did not intend to get involved with this even to begin with, so I would like to be let go soon. 

A younger Mimimi offers her hand to her. 

Mimimi: I believe the best way to push our beauty to even greater heights would be to work together as friends from here on! 

Nnoa: Friendship is meaningless. ANd time squandered on the meaningless is time wasted. 

Present Day... 

Up on the school roof, Mimimi faced Nano. 

Mimimi: NANO EIAI! Today I will defeat you without fail! 

(Y/N): Okay, Mimimi-Senpai and Nano will hold a beauty-seeking contest to see who gets exiled from (Y/N) Family. Call them as you see em! 

But then Karane spoke up! 

Karane: HOLD THE FUCKING FROG LEGS!!! What the hell is a beauty contest supposed to be?! Don't leave me and the readers adrift here! 

Mimimi: I believe I already explained this, but a "beauty-seeking contest" is a contest wherein we seek beauty naturally. 

Karane: OH COME ON! Can't you give literally an ounce more information than just what's in the name? 

Mimimi: Nano Eiai and I will compete against each other. The object of the contest is to seek the "beautiful qualities" of our subjects, the nine of you, and then call them out. (Y/N)-Kun will be the judge. If he recognizes our call-out as "beautiful," a point shall be awarded. Whoever has the most points for a subject is given a win. And once we have finished all nine subjects, the contest with the most wins is declared victory. Naturally. 

Karane: Wait, exile from the family in a screw game like this? Don't you think that's extreme? 

Mimimi: The World Beauty Association formally recognizes these rules of course. 

Karnae: What kind of religion are you talking about? 

Mimimi: At any rate, the competition has already begun! The time limit for each subject is the truly beautiful number of six minutes. Our first subject shall be you, Karane-San! 


Mimimi: Call! 

(Y/N): GO! 

Mimimi: Her refusal to let a single non-sensical explanation slip and her readiness to put things back on track are truly beautiful! 

(Y/N): One point for Mimimi-Senapi! 

Kurumi: Where did you learn these referee calls? 

Karane: Oh come on. 

Nano: Call 

(Y/N): GO! 

Nano: Her sharp, almond-shaped eyes are beautiful. 

(Y/N): One point for Nano! 

Mimimi: Her sparkling golden hair is truly beautiful! 

Nano: Her slender figure is beautiful. 

Karnae was getting embarrassed and well- 

Karane: Forget it! 

Hakari: Oh come on, Karane, it's not that bad to take a compliment every once in a while. 

And so... 

Mimimi: Her mature charm! 

Nano: Her love for others. 

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