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"i like how i keep getting invited to these things and half of the team doesn't even know me." i pursed my lips as i sat back on my couch. aran rolled his eyes, "they wanna see akari, you're just decoration." he shot back and i threw a pillow in his direction. "fuck you, bro." i turned my attention to tendo who was on the floor playing with akari. she was giggling like always and he was beaming with his little girl. it was the cutest. 

"sooo...is that a yes?"

it was my turn to roll my eyes. aran was inviting me to go to a bbq at ushijima's house. apparently, he had the biggest house so everyone wanted to go there. they were celebrating that they were going to the olympics in a few short weeks and wanted to see akari. and me i guess. at first i was iffy about the idea because i was so sleepy and work was kicking my ass. i was working overtime most nights because i wanted to get a new car. 

recently my car was not working properly. it would break down on me and just be a total pain in my ass while i tried to get somewhere. so i needed a new car. i was rejecting everyone's help because i wanted to be a big girl. i had a job so i didn't need everyone to help. 

"sure, we'll go." i yawned and aran clapped his hands. "i knew you would." he stuck his tongue out at me and i waved him off. "i'm gonna take a nap, wake me up 30 minutes before it's time." i got up from the couch. "30 minutes? you know how you are, you're gonna need more than 30 minutes to get ready." aran snickered and i flipped him off. 

"what is up with you? you're more sassy than normal. it's because tendo is here, huh?" tendo shot his head up and engaged in the conversation. "huh?" he asked and aran shook his head. "no! i just like to be on your ass anytime i get." he answered and i rolled my eyes. "yoooo," tendo covered akari's ears. "chill out." i nodded along with him and gave aran a glare. 

"mb, anyway, my point still stands. i'm waking you an hour before." aran sided eyed me and i waved him off. "i'll punch you dead in your chest but that is up to you." i shrugged before turning back around to my room to go lay in my bed.


"i didn't know you were serious." aran rubbed his chest as he sat in the passenger seat of tendo's car. "i was as serious as a heart attack." i smiled and blew him a kiss from behind tendo's seat. we were taking tendo's car because mine wasn't working and aran was being fucking lazy and stated that he didn't want to drive. 

fucking baby. 

akari was on her ipad next to me and i occasionally would play with her until she would get annoyed and tell me to fuck off in a undirect way by pushing my hand away. 

aran shot me a dirty look and tendo just laughed, looking at me through the rearview mirror. i pulled down the straps to my shirt further down my shoulders as they kept riding up. i was wearing an off the shoulder ruffle top with jean shorts since it was hot as fuck outside. my hair was up in a cute bun because i wanted it off my neck. i had some hoop earrings in and a cute necklace with akari's name on it. 

"mann...how far is wakatoshi's house. jesus christ." i groaned as i felt like we were in this car for hours. "pretty far, he lives pretty out of the way for privacy." tendo answered and aran nodded. "he's not big on being in the public life even though he's a public volleyball player but whatever..." aran rolled his eyes and i flicked him on the temple. "leave that man alone. if he wants to live in peace, then let the man live in peace." i countered. 

"i wasn't saying he couldn't live in peace. i'm just sayin-."

"you're saying nothing but trash. shut up."


"guys," tendo interjected. "do y'all fight like this all the time?" he asked. "we do but it is only jokes. right arannn?" i teased and aran rolled his eyes again. "keep rolling your eyes and they are gonna get stuck back there." i flipped him off. "goodness gracious." aran mumbled as tendo pulled into a long driveway that led to a house far in the back. 

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