
548 19 1

continuation of last chapter...

panic immediately flowing in my veins.

"holy shit! they can do that?" she questioned. "i dont know why thought, what the fuck!?" i read the reason on why they wanted custody and it read, "unfit parenting."

"unfit parenting, im gonna lose my shit." i clenched the papers in my hand. "FUCK!" i cried. yachi grabbed the papers from my hand and set them down before pushing on my shoulders so i could sit on a chair.

"they can't do that, she's my daughter!" i let tears flow from my eyes. "hey, hey, mani. they are not gonna do this to you. akari is your child and the court is gonna see that."

"me and what lawyer? trey knows i don't have the money for that!" i covered my face. "ask aran or tendo. you know they will help out. they love that little girl." she advised and i wiped my face. "yeah...can you tell kiyoko that im gonna step outside really quickly?"

"yeah of course, take as much time as you need." she smiled and i nodded, getting up and taking my phone. i went outside and tried to control my breathing, my heart pounding. i clicked on aran's contact and held the phone to my ear. it took a couple of rings before he answered, "what's up, mani?" he asked.

"what's up?! your aunt and uncle just served me custody papers just a minute ago!"

"WHAT? trey's parents? what the fuck?!"

"what the fuck am i gonna do? they are saying im a unfit parent! you know i don't have the money for this."

"i'm gonna take care of this."

"you can't. it's a conflict of interest. you already helped trey and it would look wrong in the eyes of the court if you helped me." i explained, face palming. "damn, you right. i gotta talk to them. they can't do this shit." he stated. "i gotta talk to tendo, see if he can help me out."

"smart. let me know how it goes and get back to me." aran said and i sighed. "i will, you tell me what trey's parents say." i replied. "will do. don't worry, mani. we not letting them take akari away." he consoled. i hummed, too overwhelmed by everything. "hey." he said again. "yes?"

"we not letting them take her."

"i know."

"good, i'll call you later."


he hung up and i covered my face as tears flowed down them. i knew i techinically didn't have any reason for them to take akari away from me. i was a fit parent. i had a stable job, a home, toys, everything under the sun. akari was well taken care of and i couldn't believe this shit. i looked at my phone, i had to call tendo.

i clicked his contact and waited for him to pick up.

"hey, mani! you still on for this evening?" he asked, all hyper and jippy. i wish i was like that right now. "heyy...." i started. "what's wrong? are you okay? is akari okay?" he questioned anxiously and i wiped my tears, swallowing so i didn't have a croaking voice. "you know how i told you about trey?"

"yeahhh...what about him?"

"his parents send me custody papers. they are trying to take akari away from me."


his rage was valid but it scared me. i mean i've seen tendo mad, i've seen him angry but i've never seen him livid.

"fuck that...we're doing everything we can so that doesn't happen. okay?" tendo calmed down after a while and i sniffed into the phone. "i know but...this whole thing is just stupid. he's causing problems and he's not even around." i explained, voice cracking a little. "i know, mani, but you know we're not gonna let them just take her. we wouldn't let them take her even if he was around." he soothed. my heart was still pounding and my head hurt from the initial breakdown i had but i felt better.

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