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"she will be fine."

"i don't know what time i'll be back but make sure she eats."

"yes, mani, we know."

"and don't give her any sweets past 5, she won't be able to sleep."

"mani, we get it!"


"dude," aran smacked me upside the head. "jesus christ, it's only one day. calm yourself." i glared at him, rubbing at my head. "i'm just being precautious. she is my daughter after all. i'm surprised you aren't more scared than me." i mumbled, grabbing my purse from off the couch and checking that i had everything. "oh i am." aran stated and i gave him a look. "but i'm putting all my faith into ushijima so akari should be okay." he finished with a smile. 

a smile that i did not trust. 

"whatever." i scoffed, shaking my head. 

"akari! mommy's baby?" i called as she was down in her playroom. i heard her little footsteps come running out of her room and this was the only time i'd accept her running. she collided with my legs and i scooped her up, squeezing her in a hug with a kiss on the cheek. "mommy is going out but remember you get to hang out with some of your favorite people." i tapped her nose and she scrunched it up, giggling after. "yes...boku...hina...ushi!!!" that was how she said their names and honestly, that was pretty good. "good job! now you be good, no trouble for them, okay?" i raised an eyebrow. she nodded, wiggling out of my arms so she could go have fun. 

i kissed her cheek once more before letting her go. i sighed, straightening up and looking at aran. "do you know how long this will take?" i asked and shrugged. "have no clue but we'll figure it out together." he looped his arm with mine. "bro, you are so childish." i rolled my eyes, going along with it because in the back of my mind, i truly didn't care that much. 

"we'll be here." bokuto waved excitedly and i waved back, not so excitedly. "contact me if anything is wrong-." i started to go into mom mode again but aran quickly shoved me out of the door. "mani, shut up and let's go. we're gonna be late." 


we pulled up to the courthouse and i instantly got a bad vibe. my stomach started churning and i waved a hand in front of my face. "yo? you good?" aran looked over at me, the car already parked as he took out the keys from the ignition. "it's hot." i stated, giving him a face of 'you need to shut the fuck up.'

"dude, be for real. we all know that you are about to shit yourself because we're going into this courthouse." he waved me off. "negro, could you just be the fuck quiet for one moment? dayum." i opened the car door and slammed it shut. "aye! you slam my toyota supra door again and i'mma slam yo ass." he threatened as he got out of his side of the car after me, closing his door shut. a little less aggressively than me. 

"yo pause." i gave him a look of disgust and smoothed my outfit out. "yeah you right, wouldn't wanna hit that anyways." he shrugged and i had half a mind to throw my purse at him but i just got this purse and it was cute. "boy, play with your mother, not me." i glared at aran before walking across the street to get away from him. "you nervous?" he asked while we waited behind other people to even get through the doors of the courthouse. 

"why are you asking dumb questions today?" i gave him a look of faux concern. "okay, bitch, calm down. i was just asking to be nice but i guess i won't be nice anymore." he pursed his lips and looked the other way. "aren't you the same one who said you wouldn't hit this." i pushed his shoulder aggressively, mentioning to me. "ew no, you're like a sister to me." he pushed me back. "you know what, i'm just gonna shut up." 

we walked in and i passed by the metal detectors fine and was able to pick up my stuff on the other side. aran however was not so lucky. the detectors went off with that horrible beeping noise and a security guard came over as aran rolled his eyes. 

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