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"i'm gonna be sick." i gagged, getting off of zawa's lap and ducking to find the nearest bathroom. once i found the bathroom, i basically threw myself onto the toilet, emptying all the alcohol in my system.

i'm never drinking again.

"fuck, mani. i didn't know he was coming." ushijima came behind me to hold my hair up. i spit into the toilet before looking back at the man with teary eyes. "who invited him then?" i asked. "hinata i believe. i don't know why." he responded. fucking orange boy i thought and i went back to puking my guts out.

ushijima patted my back awkwardly and i wiped my mouth with tissue. "i'm fine. morning sickness doesn't compare." i tried to joke as i wiped my eyes as well. "fuck...i gotta go home." i looked at my watch and saw that it was around midnight. "i can take you home." wakatoshi said and grabbed his keys. "what about my car?" i whined, using the man to get up as i still had shaky legs.

"i'll make sure you have it in the morning, okay?" he gave me a look and i pouted, nodding. then everything came to me in an instant. "what am i gonna do?! he's here. like actually...here." i held my forehead. "i feel like im gonna be sick again." i held my stomach in fear. "you're gonna be fine, you don't have to talk to him if you don't wanna. we'll go out the back way." he suggested and i nodded. "please?"

ushijima escorts me to a hall, an exit sign to my left and a kitchen to my right. i assume the man was getting all my stuff i left after bouncing out of zawa's lap. fuck, i'd have to apologize to him later about everything. i felt bad for leaving. ushijima comes back with all my stuff and walks me to his car that had been in the valet. he opened the passenger side door and i slid in; sighing in content at the comfortable seats.

"nice car." i complimented and ushijima hums. "thanks, tendō picked it out before he left." i groaned. "is he just gonna be everywhere?" i looked out of the window and got a small glimpse of the red buzzcut man before ushijima pulled out of the bar parking lot. "only if you let it." he response and i huffed.


i had the most raging headache which caused me to groan when i saw the light beaming through my window. i covered my face with a pillow and groaned again. when i say i'm never drinking again, i mean it. it's like being fucking pregnant.

i blindly look for my phone, arm rubbing around my bedding to find the piece of technology. once i found it, i immediately turned the brightness down before looking at all my missed messages.

10 from aran

3 from ushijima

12 from hinata (don't even remember giving my number to him)

5 from unknown

i checked the time and it was 1 in the afternoon. i had a shift in 3 hours. i was so fucked. maybe i could call kiyoko and ask if i could stay home. i was hesitant on hitting her contact but the raging headache was growing by the minute. "hello?" she picked up. "hey kiyoko! do you think i have to come in today?"

"why? you get drunk from hanging out with the national team yesterday night?"


"it's all over social media. i guess that private room isn't so private."

"what the fuc-."

"and i would be nice and tell you to not come in but for some reason we just got super slammed and i'm guessing you're the cause." kiyoko explained, a hint of concern in her voice. lord jesus christ. i really do forget that these are national athletes that are known around the fucking world. i'm just a girl who works at footlocker and happens to be connected to like two of the players. "what did i get myself into." i face palmed and groaned. "i'm sorry, armani, i am. but we are getting swamped right now. i need you here."

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