Chapter 17: Can't Buy Me Love.

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Author's Note:

Hey, my beautiful readers(:

So. I have some good news & bad news.

Me being me, I normally prefer bad news, so I'm going to start with that.

Bad News:

I'm going to have to start my Summer homework because I promised myself I would!! So the updates of everyday to every other day will not be happening so often anymore, effective tomorrow, sorry sorry.

But I will still basically update once to twice a week as best as I can. I promise!! ♡

The other thing being if you already dislike Connor, the matter will only get worse over time, hahah.

Good News:

It's almost my two-month anniversary of this story (it will be on July 4th).
It's super cool that at about two months in, this story is almost 2k.

You guys are literally so frantastic, okay. THANKS & I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.

I also am working on an adorable Troyler One-Shot based off of Wake Me Up by Ed Sheeran. I don't know when it'll be uploaded, but I think you'll love it.

That is all, enjoy Chapter 17: Can't Buy Me Love, xoxoxo. ❤❤❤❤

See ya at the end!!(:

Chapter 17: Can't Buy Me Love.

{Troye's P.O.V.}

We were going to Spain.

Of course it wasn't alone, no one ever let me & Tyler out of their sight. Our recruited gang ended up being Connor, Caspar, Marcus, & Joe. I figured Connor would come along, us being 'Tronler' & all. It didn't surprise me that Jaspar wanted to come with us either. Marcus, that threw me for a loop, but it was fine because Marky Butt-Butt was one of my favorites.

Korey, Joey, Louis, Alfie, & the rest said that they'd stay behind & see us in about a few days in Italy. We coordinated our schedules & came to an agreement before we parted ways.

The cars we got stuck with were small, so we were forced to take two separate ones. I begged to be with Tyler, but they had already decided who would be with who. I got Con & Caspar, which meant Tyler was in a car alone with Joe & Marcus.

Oh, hell no.

He CANNOT be stuck in a car with Joe & Marcus.


Well, let's see. For starters, Tyler was attracted to them both, they're absolutely handsome & I just wasn't comfortable with the situation.

He always should be with me.

But before I had a chance to refute anything once more, we were already rounded into our cars like wild cattle, Connor sitting on the right of me, Caspar sitting on my left. I got caught in the middle. I saw Tyler through the window in the car next to me, seeing he got a window seat & him putting his hand on the glass with sad eyes & pouted lips. He has Joe sitting next to him & Marcus on the far other side meaning Joe was in the middle. He mouthed, "I miss you already," with the saddest expression I've ever seen. This might seem ridiculous, considering it was only a little over 16 hours of a car ride, but being away from each other was extremely difficult. It was 10:28 in the morning already & we had to get going if at earliest we were to get there is at 2:31 in the morning.

Before Ty's car drove ahead of mine, I put my hand on the window on Connor's side since that was the side he could see me from & overly enunciate the words, "Text me, okay? I miss you too." He smiled & I saw a small tear roll down his face as his car drove away in front of us. I felt tears brimming in my own eyes, not wanting to cry or take my hand off the glass, feeling like our connection will be lost if I do.

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