Chapter 16: I Wish You Would.

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Author's Note:

I first want to say so close to 2k!(:
Thanks for much for getting me this far.

I appreciate everything; comments, votes, follows, messages, dedications, recommending, etc.

You should know I do read all your comments & try my best to respond to them all!

I also scream when you add my story to your reading lists like thanks so much, all right!! ♡


He was like, "GREAT SONG." WHAT. Ahajksksnsjkxnsdj. So. Yeah.

Connor got a haircut & he looks adorable & Tyler & his cockroach probs.

Am I the only one who thought of Casparoachs, omg, help.

That's it, I'll see you in the end, I hope you love this chapter, xoxo. ❤

Chapter 16: I Wish You Would.

{Tyler's P.O.V.}

By the morning when we woke up, I reached for Troye & remembered everything suddenly that happened last night. He sung to me, carried me to bed, took care of me.

He is absolutely the cutest thing ever, he cares about me.

I immediately smiled at replaying these memories, over & over & over. I turn my head to find his pretty face hovering over mine.

I gasp a little because he truly does take my breath away. I stroke his face, trying to get used to the feeling of his smooth, milky skin. I moved a little to place the smallest of kisses on the tip of his nose & cheeks. His face scrunched a little, but then his breathing went shallow again, indicating he was yet asleep. I didn't want to wake him up, seeing how adorable he is, but his cell phone believes otherwise.

His ringtone was Immortals by Fall Out Boy. We went to go watch Big Hero 6 together not too long ago & he fell in love with the song & became OBSESSED. He already loved Fall Out Boy, he just loves them more now though. He says their music makes him feel "punk rock" & "soft pastel grunge".

I knew his password, so I reached over him & grabbed it off the nightstand, trying to turn off the noise before he awoke. He was stirring, shifting around in his sleep, in my arms, but I managed to shut off the noise, checking who dare tries to wake my Troye Boy.

It was a text message from who, I'm not sure.

From: Livvy-Liv Lou.♡

Hey, good morning, Troye!
I just wanted to check in on how you & Tyler were.
I hope you guys weren't up too late last night if ya know what I mean(;
Anyways, me & Tia are in Spain now & I know you guys are somewhere in London, but if you have the time to come down to Spain to hang out with us sometime, that'd be so cool!
I'm having a Birthday party tomorrow & if you could make it down to Spain with your buddies (especially Tyler), it'd be the coolest.
Plus, Spain is romantic & a great place to make new, romantic memories with Ty.
Maybe even, ya know, make it finally happen.
Consider it. I send all my love & luck, xoxo.
I blushed when I skimmed over the first half of the message, getting confused when I got to the second half.

What did she mean by "new, romantic memories" & "finally make it happen"?

Make what happen?

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