Chapter 2: Everything's Embrassing.

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Author's Note:

So I decided I want to be more interactive with my readers for this story, so I shall add an author's note to every beginning & ending of each chapter.

If you're reading this, thank you so much & I hope you'll be kind enough to comment & vote on every chapter.

I will probably name every chapter based on a song/song lyric, haha, because Troye loves music & singing.

One of the many things we have in common.

Anyways, enjoy, see you at the end of the chapter.


Chapter 2: Everything's Embrassing.

{Tyler's P.O.V.}

I had rung the doorbell, nervous as hell. I haven't even seen the blue eyed beautiful twink & he was ALREADY making me clammy. I took a deep breath when I feel a pair of arms wrap around me in reassurance, just then remembering that I didn't come alone, that I wasn't alone.

Korey whispered in my ear, "You okay?" His eyes seeming to be genuinely filled with concern.

I smiled as a simply nodded a yes in response when I hear someone clearing their throat.

Shit, it was Troye.

Before I could even say anything, he already darted back into his house, running to away to God knows where with tears in his eyes...? I swear, if I made him cry on his 19th Birthday, I'd never forgive myself. Korey & I then proceeded to separate as I attempted to run after Troye unsuccessfully when I ran into Papa Sivan. I turned a bright red as I muttered a soft sorry, but he didn't really seem to care as he began to give me a big hug, lifting me off the ground, making me wish that thing called gravity.

He's always probably been the most fond of me out of the Mellets... Minusing Troye, of course.

Papa Sivan couldn't hide his glee, considering he always liked the idea of me & Troye as a couple. He beamed while asking, "So. Are you & Troye a thing yet?" I tried to calmly respond, my stutter giving me away on my feelings before I even had a chance to confess anything at all.

Me, being the COMPLETE fuckboy I am, ignored Troye for the past 7 years.

He confessed that he was in love with me, of all people. The most perfect person on this Earth told me he loved me & I got scared, so I shunned him. It was for all the right reasons. He was 12 at the moment & I was only 18. It wasn't acceptable. Of course, I loved him. Wait. Love him. But at this rate, I'm not winning his affection back anytime soon.

Why would he give me his affection? I didn't deserve it. I cut him out of my life like it was nothing for 7 years with no explanation at all & he never gave up on me. Then, I come to his house on his Birthday wrapped up in some other dude's arms, which to clarify, he is NOT MY BOYFRIEND. Korey just happens to be a best friend that wanted to accompany me because he knew it would be tough for me to face him alone for the first time since 7 years. But I can see how this looks bad & why Troye didn't wait for an explanation before running off like that. I don't think I'd want to stick around hearing excuses from the love of my life either.

I don't blame him, I really don't. But me being selfish, I'm hoping that big heart of his will betray him enough to forgive me. To look over this mishap & that he'll hug me tightly, confessing how much he missed me. That we can act like the past several years didn't happen when I dropped him off the face of the Earth like he didn't exist. I know I don't deserve it, but this is really what I'm hoping. God damn it, I'm such a shithead & selfish as fuck, but I miss him. I love him. I always have. I always will. I avoided him because I thought I'd lessen my temptations. I knew at that moment he confessed, I could never control myself knowing he felt the same when our age gap was completely illegal. If anything though, it didn't benefit me nor him. It put a major damper in our relationship.

"& it's all your fault," I thought to myself. I sighed because I know it's the truth, but I'm not giving up because Troye didn't give up on me for 7 years. That's 84 months, 2555 days, 61320 hours, & 3679200 minutes.

He waited for me that long even when I was being a complete & utter prick. I don't deserve him, he could do better. But the fact he stayed loyal & true to me that long, it meant everything to me, that this really was true love. If he could wait this long for me without even batting an eyelash of thoughts of being with no one else but me, we could get through anything. At least I hope that we could.

Eventually, I came back to Earth remembering I was talking to Troye's father. Mama Mellet was not having him embrassing me though as she began to shout at him for harassing me with questions about my relationship status with Troye. I faded into a light blush as I witnessed this go down, figuring I should stick up for Papa Sivan. "Really, it's okay, I don't mind. I missed all of guys."

As if on cue, Steele, Sage, & Tyde come out of nowhere, gleefully shouting, "WE MISSED YOU TOO!" Before they broke into happy squeals, suffocating me with a group hug that lasted for ages. I loved all the Mellets, of course, but I was kind of in the process of trying to win my best friend back. Troye was so lucky to have such a big, loving family. Sure, they could probably get a little overwhelmimgly annoying, considering they teased him all the time, especially about me, but it was sweet & endearing, seeing how much they cared about him to want to be included in every aspect of him life, even if he didn't necessarily want them there.

I eventually managed to finally speak over all the noise, "As much as I love to continue this hug all day, I really do, I really just want to see Troye, if that's all right with you?" Sage & Tyde let go immediately, clearly ecstatic that we were going to makeup. Steele, on the other hand, as much as we had love for each other, he seemed a little on edge & wary about this. Steele cleared his throat, then gestured to come over his way. I gulped rather loudly. Hell, I was nervous.

He looked me dead in the eyes as he uttered these words, "Tyler, you know I love you, but do you know how much pain you caused my little brother for 7 years? He's been heartbroken, never hearing once from you, never considering moving on by loving someone else. & now, you show up at our doorstep, just expecting everything to go back to normal. Look, I'm all for you guys getting together or whatever, but I swear, God so help me, if you hurt him ever again, even the slightest, I will end you. You got me?"

That's cute, he cares so much about Troye to give me the "Don't you dare hurt my little brother" pre-boyfriend speech.

I nodded in complete understanding, making sure I looked Steele right in his eyes as I opened my mouth. "I get where you're coming from. But I swear to you, I would never want to see him frown or be sad whatsoever, especially if I'm the cause. I will spend the rest of my life trying to make him happy as he has towards me from the very moment we met because that is what he deserves. I love him, Steele, I'm sorry, but I'm not. But I will be good to him, Scouts Honor."

This seems to be all the he needed to hear as he side smirked a little, seeing his precious brother was in good hands. He confessed, "Troye's in the backyard garden, trying to clear his thoughts, go."

I smiled like a freak as I hugged & thanked Steele for his hint or else I would have been searching forever because their home was rather beautiful, but humongous. I composed myself by running my fingers quickly through my quiff before I opened the door to their backyard.

I hope my efforts don't end in vain.


Yay, Chapter Two!! Enjoying it? Be sure to show me love. Recommend it to friends, vote, comment, add to your library, etc.

I honestly don't know how I'm going to go about this story, but I'm excited. Sorry the beginning is so slow & boring. I have to set up the plot line & stuff first, ja feel. I promise though that it will pick up soon enough.

But as you can see, I will be bouncing between Troye & Tyler's P.O.V. every chapter, which will be interesting. I hope you'll like the story & have so far. I'll do my best to update once a week, love you, thank you so much.

Follow my Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter. Mwah, xoxo.

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Twitter- IHeartBTREver

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Bye loves, *Winks.*


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