Chapter 9: Love Me Like You Do.

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Author's Note:

I somehow hit 450 reads in one day, I have no idea where the extra 50 came from when it was just 400 yesterday!!

So I thought I'd reward you with another chapter because nothing makes me happier than you guys & writing for you all.

So I hope you love Chapter 9: Love Me Like You Do. Xoxoxoxoxoxo, infinite thanks & love. ❤❤❤❤


Chapter 9: Love Me Like You Do.

{Troye's P.O.V.}

It was a date, wait. Was it? I had NO idea. I mean I feel my heart thumping out of my chest & can hear it loud & clear like a siren in the silence.

Who am I kidding though, it was probably just hanging out like he said.

Tyler didn't feel the same.

It'd literally be so ridiculous of me to think someone as amazing as him could ever reciprocate the same feelings towards me anyways.

I just shook my head, realizing I'm making myself upset.

"Stop, you're going to have a great time tonight with Ty, date or not," I thought to myself calmly.

I looked into the mirror, into my own blue eyes. They had a tint of sadness in them, but I knew it'd go away the moment I see Tyler, it always did. He made me happier than words could ever express.

How can someone you're in love with build you up into such happiness, yet have the power to tear it down whenever they please with the smallest of things?

With every smile & witch cackle,
Every moment, every stare,
Every "You're cute", every tear,
Every text message, every time I blushed,
Every touch we shared, every bit of teasing,

I fell harder for him, harder than ever before.
& I knew there was nothing I could do to stop it.

I felt helpless & pathetic like a fish floundering, desperately trying to make contact with water to save itself, but with no success. I was left out in the sun to dry with no chance of survival as the cursed thing called love was coming after me.

For some reason, I didn't mind it. I was ready for my heart to be torn into pieces. I wouldn't change a thing.

It was all worth it. All the pain, disappointment, hurt, it was.

He was worth it.

I glanced over my appearance one last time before checking the time. It was 8:55. I had five minutes before I was faced with Tilly, trying to compose myself.

I tugged through my quiff in frustration, one piece of stubborn hair falling flat on my head, no matter what I did today. I wore my jersey jumper because I was feeling hella masculine & shit. It was probably my favorite one I owned. I paired it with my classic black skinny jeans & my platform black high top converse. Perfect. Well, as close as can be, I guess.

I started running my hands through my hair again when I heard a knock, becoming aware of the time.

Crap, it's 9, he's here.

I gulped & rubbed my hands down the sides of my thighs because my palms were getting sweatier by the second as I ran downstairs to open to door.

I hesitantly opened the door, taking in a deep breath. I gasped, taking in the way Tyler looked, especially in the moonlight.

He looked beautiful, he was always beautiful.

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