12. Heart to heart

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"I love you too Sergio". He grab my hand and we walked upstairs to his room to go to sleep for the night. It was early in the morning around 4:00 am. I woke up due to my bad period cramps. I went into the kitchen to get a bottle of water to take with my pain pills. While I was drinking the water, kharm came in.

"Hey little sis" *I say kinda out of breath. "Hey ro" she says as she drinks from her water bottle. "Sooo" I ask excitedly. "So what" she raises her eyebrows. "You and Jose" *I say sitting down getting ready to hear her talk.
"He hasn't asked me out or anything really but I think we're talking" she says as she sit next to me.
It was an awkward silence. "So ro what was it that you wanted to talk about". She sips from her water.
"Oh yea, k I'm really sorry for abandoning you, I should've at least called you I completely disregarded you and disappeared." Kharm listened to me. "Kharm I... I was hurting and in so much pain and I wanted to forget, I wanted to forget my life more than anything but I shouldn't have forgot you, your my only sibling, my only true family member left and I should've visited you and talked to you I barley know things about you and that's all my fought, I've bet you've been through so much but I'm here now, I'm here". Kharm started crying and so did I. I hugged her tightly not ever wanting to let go. "I'm sorry to ro, I can't blame you for everything" she says wiping her eyes. "And you look so happy now royalty I'm happy for you" we hug again. This was much needed. "I have been happier, and I want  you to be happier as well" I kiss her forehead. "Ew" she wipes it off and we laugh. "I don't know where your mouth been". She playfully shoved me. "I could say the same for you missy.

In the middle of us talking Pedro walked in. He had his shirt off and was wet. He was very hot and me and my sister couldn't do anything but look at him. "Good morning ladies" he said getting some water. "Just an early work out". "How've you been ro" he says looking at me. "I've been good Pedro". He looks at my sister. "Hi little one". He throw the bottle in the trash. "Hi" she said back nervously and quickly. I laugh. "I haven't properly met you yet little one what's your name again? He asked her. "I'm kharm... kharm Jackson" she nervously chuckled. "Well I'm Pedro nice to meet you" he reached his hand out wanting to shake hers. She shakes his hand back.

"Well I'm going to go back to sleep now talk to you guys later" she speed walks back into Jose room. Pedro turns towards me. "So you and Sergio been doing fine" .
"Yea we have no arguments or anything".
"That's good".
It was a quiet moment.
"So Pedro I haven't been seeing you where have you been."
"I've been at a girl house that I met"
"A girl?" I say I bit loudly.
"Are you jealous" *he smirks at me.
"Of course not,why would I be" *I roll my eyes.
"I hear jealousness in your voice"
"No you did not" I pout accidentally.
"Are you sure about that" his face was now really close to mines. He's eyes drift to my lips and back into my eyes.
"I'm sure" I say flustered.
"You don't seem so sure".
Pedro tried to kiss me and I stopped him,I needed to stop doing this to Sergio. "We can't Pedro, I need to stop doing this to serg"
"Doing what?"
"Sneaking around.... With you"
"Do you really want to stop?"
My eyes looked down. He was so hot.
"Yes I mean it Pedro" I got up to walk away and he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back towards him. His lips touch mines and his tongue entered my mouth, I couldn't resist it. It felt so good. My arms started to wrap behind his neck. Then I realized. I pushed him away. "No Pedro this has to stop seriously I can't keep doing this". I moved his hands off of me and walked upstairs back into Sergio room. He was still sound asleep. He's snore was so loud but yet so calm and peaceful. I get back in the bed and checked my phone. It was now 4:45 AM. I still was a bit tired. I decided to change my pad since I was already up so I did so.

I went back into the bed room and got in the bed and put my head on Sergio chest listening to his heart beat and rhythm of it to fall asleep again.

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