9.once again

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We got dressed and the family and I walked to the beach. It was a 2 minute walk. I was bonding with their family. I wish my family had as much love as they had. I laugh and smiled, I loved being around them.

A few hours has passed and we walked back to their home. Sergio order wing stop for every one and we were bonding again. They asked more questions about my family and I passed by the questions again. My past life wasn't so great. It was now 8:00 and every one was getting ready to sleep or chill for the night.

Me and Sergio were in his room chilling and watching tv. He decided to ask me about my pass life. "Royalty why don't you ever talk about your self and your family". I froze.
"It's nothing to say" I try to brush off.
"It's somthing you not telling me baby"
I stay silent. "Come on royalty don't be like that"
"Don't be like what, you can't force me to talk about my past life, I don't want to, it was hard ok, I don't want to talk about it".
"Where suppose to help each other feel better about things".
"I'm already feeling just fine Sergio I don't need your pity about things that happened".
"Well how can I ever truly trust you?"
I got up and walked out of the room, tears started streaming from my eyes. I went on to the balcony.Pedro soon joined me.
"What's wrong ro" he said.
"It's nothing" I say rubbing the tears from my eyes.
"It's something or you wouldn't be crying beautiful" he say looking at me with concern.
"Me and Serg had an little argument that's all"
"Not to be nosy but about what"
"He wants me to talk about my past life but I don't want to".
"I see"
It was a moment of silence.
Pedro moves closer to me trying to make me smile.
"What are you doing dummy" I shove him playfully smiling.
"Trying to see that pretty smile of yours"
I smirk and roll my eyes.
"I miss seeing that smile" he says looking in my eyes.
"I bet".
It was a silence as he look into my eyes.
Our faces pulled together cause us to kiss, the kiss felt so good. Soon the kiss lead him kissing on my neck. I let a moan slip out. His hands pulled my waist closer to him. Our bodies now touching.
Pedro stopped and I can see him blushing a little bit.
"You're so cute" I laughed and he looked away.
"You know this is wrong pedro".
"I know but I'm starting not to care, I want you."
I froze my insides started to heat up.
"What is it royalty, cat got your tongue?"
"Kiss me". Pedro kisses me again this time it was more powerful and stronger. Soon the kissed stop and he looked into my eyes.
"I think I'm in love with you bonito" he like down at me with the most sexiest look. I look away "I should get going before we get caught Pedro good night". I walk away, looking back
To see him lighting up a cigarette.

I walked past Sergio bed room and he wasn't in there. I walk out the front door and he was smoking a cigarette while leaning on the wall.
He noticed me peeping at him.
"Serg" I walked out looking a bit worried.
"Look ro I'm sorry I shouldn't force you to talk about things you don't want to".
"It's ok I understand, can you just come inside you can tell it's about to rain."
He stays silent. "Serg please I need you right now "
He throws the cigarette out and turns towards me.
It starts to rain as we just stare at each other under the porch.
Sergio hugs me tightly. I hug him back feeling bad.
"Let's go inside mi amor"  he grabs my hand and we walk to his bed room. We lay in the bed silent. It was so awkward. I don't know what the fuck to do.
I sigh.
"When I turned 8 that was the first day the abusive side of my father came out" I paused
Sergio looked at me.
"Maybe he's been that way...., but it was my birthday my mom and dad argued like always  but this time it was different... scarier"
"My sister was two at the time and she was crying so bad I tried my best to keep her quiet, next thing you know my dad slapped my mom and pushed her against the tv, I was in such disbelief, after he did what he did he turned towards me he said that if I told any one about it he would hurt me bad, since that day, me and my mom been accepting his abusive ways, I made sure my sister didn't have to suffer, I cried and cried and cried, I wanted to run away but my sickly mom and little sister I jus couldn't, one day my mom decided to move away from him but he wouldn't let her I was 17 and my sister was 11, and I had enough of it. I told my dad how I felt. He slapped me and my mom tried to help but he hit her, my sister she couldn't do anything but cry. My dad got on my mom and starting punching her and my mind went blank, I couldn't take it anymore, for years we suffered. So I stab his throat. My sister was in shocked. My mom  was unconscious. I called the police and told what happened.My mom haven't looked at me the same since then, as much as he beat her, she would always love him." Tears started streaming down my face.

Sergio got up and hugged me.
"Serg your family is so happy and energetic and loving, and that's all I ever wanted. I love being here" I smiled.
Sergio kissed me on my forehead.
"I love you royalty" my face got hot.
"I love you truly mi amor" he hugs me.
"I love you too Sergio".
He kissed my lips and it was so passionate. His kiss started getting sloppy I could tell he was horny. He started kissing and sucking on my neck. "Fuck" I let out. My thighs started to heat up. My phone rung.
"Can't it wait mi amor" he said irritated.
"Normally yes but it's my sister she never calls just text".
"Hello?" "You know that I'm out of town right?". "You what?!" "Ok I'm on the way"
"What's going on ro" "my mom and my sister got into it, she's a bit on the rebel side".
I grab Sergio keys. "I want to come as well".
"Ok come on".

How the sister (kharm pronounced charm) dresses and looks

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How the sister (kharm pronounced charm) dresses and looks

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