7. Que lindo

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I went to use the bathroom and I also decided to take a shower as well. Once I was out I helped aleria with the few things that were left in our dorm and finished packing up.  
The dorm was completely empty besides the beds that were left.  Me and aleria chatted it up before she left to catch her flight home.

It was currently 9 pm so I decided to head back to Sergio's dorm since we left in the morning. On my way there I bumped into Jessica. We looked at each other then I walked off. She yelled my name out and I stopped. "Yes". I said quietly. "Look ro I am so sorry about all the shit i put you through. It's been weird knowing that you aren't my best friend any more but I would love if we could just be friends." She said waiting for an answer.
"I accept your apology Jess, I'm also sorry for lashing out". We hugged then went our separate ways.

I made it to his dorm and knocked on the door. Pedro opened it this time. His shirt was off and he was full of sweat. He was so hot. "Where is Sergio" I look around trying not to make eye contact.

"He went out to get us some pizza, come in".
I walked in and sat down on the couch. I could tell Pedro was looking at me and I knew it's because of what I was wearing.
He sat next to me on the couch and turned the tv on. "Is there any thing in particular you want to watch." He asked me. "No" I say still trying not to look at him. "¿Por qué intentas no mirarme?" He laughs. "What are you saying". I roll my eyes. "Why are you trying not to look at me". He grabs my face and look at my eyes. I know he could tell that my face was getting hot.
I smack his hand down. "Why are your being a malvado" he said. "I just don't want you touching my face" I say. "Why not beautiful" he says in a lower tone,which heated up my insides. "Sergio is your cousin and I'm his girlfriend, why are you flirting with me". I say looking at him just how he wanted. "I'm sorry I just can't help myself, your the prettiest girl I have ever seen amar" he says looking into my eyes.

My heart was now thudding. I knew that I liked Sergio, I liked him so much, so why is Pedro making me feel this way. Pedro face was now close to mines. "Tell me royalty, how are you feeling right now". "What do you mean" . "You know what I mean". His chain was now dangling in my face as we were making eye contact I was surprised with my self that I even manage to look at him that long. A smirk started forming on my face and I could she him trying not to blush.

What the hell am I doing? I want to stop I really do but why wont my body let me.

He brings his head down and kiss me. This kiss was different from Sergio's. He was more sloppy than Sergio but I wasn't complaining it felt nice.

He goes down to my neck and started kissing it and under my chin. Soon we heard the door unlocking and Pedro slides away from me onto the other end of the couch. Sergio comes in and set the pizzas and drinks down and put his keys on the key holder. He soon looks up and sees me. "Hey mi royalty" he walks over to me and gives me a hug then a peck on the lips and sit next to me. "How long have you been over" he ask cuddling me.
"Not that long like 10 or 15 minutes". "Ok you want some pizza". "Yes I would love some". "Ok and I also see that you took your hair down."
"Yep it's time for it to be washed".
"Pedro your a bit quiet" Sergio says looking at him.
"I'm focusing on this película it's really Bueno" he says.
Sergio goes to get the boxes of pizza and bring them back. "Thank you baby" I say kissing his cheek. We all watch the movie and it was pretty good. It was now 11 pm and I was pretty tired but not that tired.

I noticed that sergio feel asleep on the couch, so I kiss his forehead and when to go use the bathroom. Once I was done using the bathroom, I opened the door and Pedro was just standing there.

"What are you doing" I whispered-yelled.
"I just want to look at you, maybe touch you a little".
"This has to stop I love your cousin...."
Did I just say I love him? I did and I meant it.

Pedro looks me in the eyes. "So your telling me you don't like me miss royalty".

My eyes look him up and down. God why me?

I couldn't say anything, why couldn't I just say that I didn't like him.

Pedro smirks. "Do you like the both of us?" He smirks

"I don't know" I say quickly.

Pedro kissed me again this time better than before, it felt so good my knees start to buckle but I stopped him.

"Pedro this is wrong I can't" he looks me up and down.

I walk away from him and then he says,
"You may say you don't but I can feel that you do amar". He say so lavishly.

My heart started beating really fast. I walk in the living to wake Sergio up. "Come on baby let's go to bed ok."

Me and Sergio make it to his room and he sleeps instantly. Hes such a light weight I say then smile. I was getting ready to go to bed but I realize I left my purse and suitcase in the living room. I go back to get it and I see Pedro. He was eating some more pizza from earlier. I look at him but try not to make eye contact. What we've been doing has to end.

"Let me get those for you" he says walking towards me.

"No it's fine, I got it" I say trying to brush him off.

"Are you mad at me" he says walking towards me.

"No just let me go back"
"Not until you look at me mami".
I look at him.
"In my eyes"
I look him in his eyes. He was looking at me like he was concerned.

"I'm sorry la señorita for making you feel so uncomfortable".

His voice was so attractive, he was so DAMN attractive.

"I don't know what to say, I'm confused"

He got down on his knee to match my height.
He hugs me tightly. Then he kisses my forehead then walks away to his room. I get my things and walk back into Sergio's room. It was hard for me to sleep.

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