9: Maya

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When I had returned to my room, Kayden is just staring at me. He seems to be watching every movement I make.

"Why the hell were you with Marcus last night? " Kayden asks me sternly.

"Uh cause he's my friend? I can't hang out with people now? You aren't my dad. I can make my own decisions" I spat as he just rolls his eyes.

"Don't say I didn't warn you" he says as I snort.

"What the hell is so fucking hilarious? " he asks as I just shake my head.

"Don't try and brainwash me. I'm not an idiot. I'd rather be friends with a nerd then listen to an asshole like yourself" I say as I grab a change of clothes.

"I'm an asshole? How the hell am I an asshole? " he asks as he crosses his arms.

"I don't have precious time to spend on answering that stupid question. Answer it yourself" I say as I head to the showers.

As I enter the shower area, I didn't realize there would be stalls. I mental prepared myself in case there was. Now I can calm down a little bit.

The only other girl in the area is a short girl with wire framed glasses. She is also getting ready to shower. I should be socializing more. But not in the showers. That just would be wrong.

As I enter my own stall and pull the curtain shut, I turn on the hot water. I had to undress in one of the bathroom stalls before coming in here. I'm too shy to change entirely in front of people. And I was able to wrap myself in a towel.

I let out a sigh as the hot liquid washes my body. It's been a rough few days. Well... Two days. It's been a lot though.

And what is the deal with Kayden? He has been very persistent that I stay away from Marcus. If I wasn't a huge book nerd, I would have believed him.

But I don't. I never will.

I didn't trust him before, and I won't trust him now. Marcus is a misunderstood guy. And he has been nothing but nice to me.

I shut off the water once I finish washing my body clean. I wrap a towel around me as I exit the stall. I accidentally bump into the girl as her glasses fall off. Luckily they didn't break but I quickly apologize and get them for her.

"Aw it's okay" she says.

She has short curly black hair and she looks really sweet.

"It's weird showing in stalls. I'm not used to it" I admit as she smiles.

"Me neither. Although my brother and I have been here the longest" she says.

"Your brother? " I ask.

"Yes my twin Marcus" she says.

Oh. That makes sense. They clearly aren't identical, but they do look similar in a few ways.

"Oh! You're his sister? I thought I was the only one who actually talks to him" I say as she giggles a little.

"Sure. The only person who isn't me. Let's go get dressed oh! I'm Maya by the way" she says as we head to get dressed.

"I'm Ash" I say as we start putting clothes on.

"I figured. He talks about you a lot" she says as I blush a little.

"My roomate says he's a pervert and that I shouldn't trust him" I admit as she sighs.

"First of all, most boys are perverts. In the way of they don't have the cleanest thoughts. Unless they think sex is gross. Second, your roomate, if he is a boy, cause of the overload of men here, is probably more of a pervert than my brother, and third... Marcus has trust issues himself. He barely talks to other people unless he actually thinks they won't go and break his heart" she explains as I go quiet.

"I kept telling my roomate that I still trust Marcus. I have no reason not to" I say.

"Then you are the best person in this facility" Maya says as she leaves the showers.

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