5: The Sanctuary

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As we get lead down this tunnel of crystals and dirt, I wonder where Matthew is. He's my best friend. I have every right to worry about him. He was gone when the trap part of the test seemed to have taken place. And according to Marcus, whoever you tell, tells someone else, and then you get stuck in the trap.

Which means... Matthew had betrayed me... He actually ratted me out. Jeez. What a great friend he turned out to be.


We enter this huge open space as other whip their heads, eager to see who just entered the area.

We can hear many people questioning Marcus. Mostly questions about who we are.

There is only one face in this whole crowd who I recognize. It's a kid from my school named Kayden. I was friends with him in middle school. Now we wouldn't dare to even look into each other's eyes.

He's sitting in a corner near the back. His eyes lock onto mine as anxiety fills me. His blonde hair had grown out since the last time I saw him. He just looks at me with an unreadable expression plastered on his face.

Marcus leads us to some sort of lab a few moments later.

"We are conducting an experiment. Well. We means me. I am. And I need a small group of people to be willing to volunteer for this" he says as Carlee and I look at all of the equipment that is scattered amongst the room.

"What kind of experiment? " Carlee asks as she starts to feel nervous.

Carlee is the sweetest girl I have ever known. If anything it pains for me to see her express any emotion that isn't happiness.

"Oh. Well I fear that is a question for another day" he says as I shake my head.

"I fear that I want that answer right now" I say as I glare at him.

He pushes his glasses up a little using his index finger as he lets out a small sigh.

"You girls won't stop pesting will you? " he asks as I just continue to glare. I'm very unamused at his responses.

"No. She may stop, but I want a damn answer" I say as he goes quiet for a moment.

"Okay. Listen. I get it. I really do. You girls are filled with curiosity. However, we have people who are higher up than us roam these halls. If word gets out on what I am doing, I may be killed immediately" he says.

There is way too much going on. First I was just at the church, and all I did was notice something was off. I told Matthew, and suddenly I wasn't in the church anymore. If Marcus is right, then that means Matthew did actually betray me.

But how did Matthew know about these tests? Is this test for the said higher ups? I wouldn't think so. He's hiding it from them.

I followed the first test through. And this is more of an experiment he is proposing.

I wonder if he would see me as weak if I deny. I mean if what he said about everything is true, I want to help him.

"I'll do it" I say as Carlee gasps loudly.

"Ash no! No you can't! You have no clue what he is even asking of you! " Carlee shouts as I smile a little.

"Yea. I know. I'm aware. But I can't be like everyone else. I bet there aren't many volunteers at the moment. Cause of the lack of knowledge they have" I say as Marcus nods.

"The only other person who is apart of it is myself. I'll tell you what. Something will be inserted into you" he says as I immediately drop my jaw.

I'm sorry what did he say.

His face suddenly turns red as he scrambles for words.

"I um. No. No not like that. I meant. I meant something else. Not. Not in that way" he says as I burst out laughing. Even Carlee is giggling lightly.

"I'm just messing with you. Since you are leaving us will little information" I say as he grunts a little, clearly annoyed.

"Well excuse me for wanting to... Rebel..." He says.

"I don't care what I may or may not be risking. Just... I'll be apart of the experiment" I say as the door suddenly opens.

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