1: Ash

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It was a hot summer day as a teenage girl rolled out of her bed in order to get started on what today has to bring. She and her best friend had signed up to help out with the church this summer.

Of course the girl's parents suggested it. Her family isn't religious, but they have the decency to respect the majority of religions. Ash herself is more of a theorist than anything. She believes in parallel dimensions and such. She also believes in the matrix system and how it works.

Ash, the girl, understsnds why some people worship who they worship. She has no right to judge. And if she doesn't like the practices of a certain religion, she keeps her mouth shut and says nothing. It isn't her place to judge anyone.

She exits her room as her little brother is zooming all over the house.

It was only then that Ash saw in the small boy's hand an airplane toy.

"Vroom! Whoosh! " the kid says as he tries his hardest to mimic a plane flying crazy and all over the place.

"Morning Marco" Ash says as her little brother stops in his tracks to let out an exaggerated gasp.

"Sissy! Good morningggg!!!! Mama made waffles! " he says with glee in his voice. Just like Ash, the little boy has bright blue eyes and dark brown hair. He didn't inherit much of their dad's traits. She has a few, but it's more personality wise.

"She did? Well then I guess I should go eat. I'm hungry anyways" she says as she makes her way to the kitchen.

"Sleep well? " her mom asks as the girl rubs her eyes with a slow nod.

"Yea. Well I wanted to get enough sleep. Even if I dont need to go to the church until it's near dinner time. I haven't even been to the place in a few years" Ash says as her mom hands her a plate of waffles.

They used to attend the church until Marco was born. It was hard to keep a baby in church. Not just because he wouldn't stop crying, he needed his necessites more than he needed to learn about someone who may not even be real.

That's the one thing Ash learned at a young age. Nine to be exact.

The Bible, and any other book that religions are based off of, are basically beliefs made off of stories that may not even be true.

Like how did God create a man from a woman? And how did a snake who was the devil, able to convince the two to eat certain fruit? The fact they could even be persuaded should have proved that mankind can't fully be controlled by one type of power. People can see, hear, touch whatever, and think their own thoughts. They can listen to people who believe they have power. They can allow lies to enter them.

If anything all the Bible taught Ash was that magic is real, and the devil saw through God's bullshit. Fruit can't be the perfect balance of good and evil. And when Adam and Eve ate it, it wasn't the fruit that was cruel to them, it was their very own creator.

Ash sits down as she pours a good amount of syrup onto the waffles before allowing her thoughts to continue. She tends to overthink things a lot. It's not like she wants to. She just does.

She tends to question who is controlling the states half of the time. Though that could be due to her love for dystopian.

She loves Divergent, The Maze Runner, The Hunger Games, and once the book series known as 'Shatter Me' came out, she had it ordered within a week. And she read in under a week.

The young girl finishes eating and proceeds to do daily activities until four in the evening crept up on her. She quickly rushes to pack a small backpack with whatever essentials she feels necessary to bring with her, as there is a knock on the front door to her house.

Matthew is here.

Illusions (A Dystopian Story) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant