2: Artificial

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Ash opens the door to reveal Matthew grinning before her. His light brown hair and green eyes shine in the sunlight that is still here, due to the fact the sun won't set for a few hours yet.

"Morning" he says.

"Um... It's four in the evening? " Ash asks slightly confused.

"It's morning somewhere" Matthew says with a small shrug as they start their walk to the church.

They get there within five minutes and enter through a side door.

"Good evening Mrs. Sanders! " Ash says as she greets one of the other church members who helps to run the VBS.

"Good evening Ash and Matthew. We decided on a mascot today! I know it's a little random, but we like a solid theme for our VBS. So it's a tiger" Mrs. Sanders says as the two teens nod.

"Is there anything we can help with right now? " Ash asks as she nods.

"We have an evening church service going on right now. But I fear I have set pens down on the table near the front. If you could quietly go out and get them for me, I'd appreciate it very much" she says as Ash smiles and says she is willing to do it.

The girl puts her long brown hair up into a pony tail before heading out to the front of the church. VBS is held in a seperate room near the back of the church. They also use the basement, which is redone and clean, as a dining space for when it's time to have dinner.

As Ash enters the main room, she doesn't pay any attention to the service. Until she remembers that it's a Monday, and they don't do tons of evening services here at the church.

She watches the service with confusion as she swipes the pens off of the table that is at the front of the room.

The pastor tells everyone to stand as they sing a song. But it doesn't sound like a Christian song she has heard before. Then again it's not like she attends church as it is.

Wait. It's not the song that sounds off. They all sound monotoned. Almost like robots attempting to sing. Or Ai. It sounds fake. Artificial.

Ash stops to listen for another moment. However, Mrs. Sanders opens the door and signals for Ash to return to the back.

'What the hell is going on? Why do the people sound like that?' Ash asks herself mentally as she keeps quiet.

Ash heads back as Matthew asks what took me so long.

"I'll talk about it later" Ash says. Something is definitely off.

The kids enter the church roughly thirty minutes later as we finish setting up the main room that we are using for VBS this week.

Matthew gives her a puzzled look as a little girl asks him what she will be learning about today.

As he suddenly gets busy with the kid, Mrs. Sanders asks for everyone else to sit down to show a small presentation.

Once they do, Ash makes sure to sit next to Matthew. She debates on mentioning what she has witnessed.

What if Matthew didn't believe her?

Would he run away? Call her crazy?

No. She must try. He's her best friend.

"Matthew. Why is there a church service today? " she whispers as he shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know. Some churches have evening services" he replies just as quiet.

"Well when I went out they were singing in a very flat, monotoned voice. Like robots. Or when ai tries to impersonate a person" she says as he just sits there staring at the presentation.

"Well then, let's hope that they are just in a bad mood. If not, then that means something bad is about to happen" Matthew says as the presentation ends.

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