The Dust Settled

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All the estate was divided and thanks to my husband and his military trained security personnel I am returning home very safely and nothing happened to me or Marie. Camille got her trust and headed to who knows where. I am sure Christian has people watching her every move. I can't believe that Oscar bought two places in each of the areas he bought. He made sure they were equal in value. Everything was divided equally after he found out about my existence. His statement at the end stated that his family had the same benefits of being a Lambert and wasted them. He wanted to make Marie and I got the rest of his estate. Since he was no longer invested in the Lambert company none of his assets were involved during the takeover. Their debts weren't his debts.

We all made it back to Seattle and the babies were finally adjusting to a normal environment. Anastasia set trust funds up for the twins and future children from the monies she inherited. We are definitely going to have more children. The rest of Oscars heirs signed documents to get their inheritance before he passed away, so they can't sue for any of Anastasia and Marie's inheritance. Dad was amazed at how many heirs Oscar had thanks to Robert and Riley and their promiscuity and willing women. I was glad that we got the ex wives and the children to agree to take the jobs because they needed them and they were very capable of running the place they just weren't allowed to. Roz said that at some point we might want to take advantage of their skills in opening up other GEH divisions. We are still running audits though. I think we will do this from now on.

We just an update on Camille and the real shocking news was she was with Richard Lincoln in a country with no extradition agreement. Things just don't seem to be what we think they are and I have them both watched.

Jason and I have been getting alerts on Camille and Marie, so far Marie is exactly who she says she is, but Camille has skeletons having a huge party in a walk in dressing room. None of us know why Richard is with Camille at this point. We may never know.

All of us are just enjoying life without anymore drama and I am enjoying my new son Raymond Jr. now I know how Scott feels about being an older father. Marry someone a decade younger than you can bring unknown surprises. Mia has decided to have another baby and is really busy trying to get pregnant. She knows no boundaries after she takes that ovulation test. I learned very quickly not to open a closed door during her visits to anyone's home., if Scott and her disappear.

Ethan is married to Alice and they have three children and Herschel. Herschel is now a Kavanagh. Enid and Eamon are proud of all their grandchildren including Herschel.

We discovered why Camille was with Richard Lincoln. Apparently she was the one who married Richard and not Carla. No one paid much attention to his activities after his name was cleared here in Seattle. Camille could walk around as if she were Carla until Carla went to prison and ended up dead. She had to go back and be by Marie. Marie was very busy healing patients to be aware she was gone. Welch started checking into trips of both Camille and Richard Lincoln. Elena could tell the difference between Carla and Camille and that could've easily caused them both to lose their freedoms. Oscars death was not a natural one.

When we heard all of this news we were too late. Camille and Richard tried to make a move on Marie. Marie was never stupid enough to trust Camille completely. Her bodyguards put Richard and Camille in a no win situation for them. The police were involved and both were caught in a firefight. Marie had to identify Camille and Richards son Abraham Lincoln identified his father. The story hit the international news site.

My head of staff brought me the newspaper reporting Camille and Richard dead. They really thought I would let them walk free after killing my husband and twin boys in that robbery. Killing Oscar was my breaking point and I knew that I was going to be sure I was in surgery when they met their deaths. I had my husband and boys cremated and brought back from Seattle. Robert and Riley were just as guilty of killing them as Camille and Richard were. All the plotting and planning never escaped me, but I and my people had no idea when, where or who and it happened in a crowded area. Using Anastasia's gun to implicate her told me who was involved in it. I just couldn't move on them without exposing myself and I hadn't seen Oscars death as part of the plans. Then Christian did everyone a huge favor and destroyed Robert and Riley. Then they took Carla down because they had no idea about Camille. Carla had her own story and I think those skeletons can be laid to rest now.

Abraham Lincoln
I walk across and kiss my wife and new baby. Marie finally said yes to me. Watching Camille and Richards bodies be cremated lay a lot of ghosts to rest. My wife and sons were in that robbery and killed along with her twin boys and husband. We sent them ahead to find a home to rent for all of us. We were all classmates from the very first day at school. At five years old, a very rare thing to find your husband and wife at such a young age and then lose them on the same day, same city along with your only children. It wasn't a coincidence. Marie and I know there are people still watching us and not just Christian Grey's people. We also have people making sure we stay alive. Olivia will one day meet her aunt Anastasia but until then she's safer if we don't visit Seattle.

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