PART - 30

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8 months later-

It's been eight months now, tae's bump is showing he got lil chubby too which is making him 10 times more cuter but sometimes he just feel insecure about himself and then he gets scoldings from his husband who assures him saying ''babe yuh are so perfect the way yuh are i will always love yuh, I don't care if yuh are fat or skinny yuh are still the most beautiful person for me in and out so don't think about yourself as low yuh are perfect bear'' making tae calm and happiest again and again...

jungkook started to work from home 2 months ago as tae was throwing up a lot which is common in pregnancy but he being a possessive hubby didn't cared about anything but tae so he just stay at home do work or what his baby tells him to do...

It's evening currently jungkook is sitting with tae's head on his lap caressing tae's soft hairs who is laying with closed eyes while jungkook is admiring his angel who is looking more beautiful nowadays...

''kookie''..tae opened his eyes jungkook hummed..

''i want to eat ice-cream''...tae said with a small pout..

''wait then am coming in seconds''... jungkook said standing up from bed and ran to kitchen making tae giggle...

''here my highness''...he said giving him mint flavour ice-cream as tae's liking it more nowadays...

Tae's eyes sparkled seeing it he took and started licking it humming at the taste meanwhile jungkook just stared at him with loving eyes but frowned when tae spoke up..

''it will taste yum with kimchi.. isn't?''...tae said smiling widely...

''isn't it so weird combination like I have never seen someone eating that''...said jungkook making disgusting face..

''just tell me yuh are soo lazy to even fulfill my wish''...tae said tears threatening to fall any second jungkook looked at him for seconds and again ran to the kitchen and came with bowl full of kimchi, tae mixed his icecream scoops with kimchi and started eating it with big smile and offered to jungkook too who gulped it quietly not want to make fuss more he knows tae's mood swings are literal torture...

After eating tae laid down on bed sighing heavily jungkook took his laptop and went to his home office to do some important work not before giving tae forehead kiss who slept after some minutes...

''jungkook''...tae whined entering in his office who sighed knowing very well why he came here he put smile on his face opening arms for his bear who sat on his lap comfortably...

''why yuh left me alone''...tae said and buried his face in the crook of his neck who frowned..

''baby i had to work that's why''...he said softly carraseing other's back...

''is work more important than me?''...tae snapped with raised eyebrows jungkook wanted to scream now, seconds ago he was behaving like Baby and now ready to throw hands...

''nope! nothing is important than my bun''... jungkook said biting tae's soft cheek by teeth making him giggle he again hugged him and Jungkook continued doing his work...

After some minutes later tae spoke up..

''kookie! If i were a pig would yuh still love me like yuh do now''...tae asked looking at him from neck jungkook internally cried now, how he is supposed to answer this he looked at him for seconds then said ..

''ofcourse! even eat yuh too''...he said with a wink earning light slap on chest by a blushing male, he internally patted himself for this...

''then eat me''...tae said playing with his lip ring biting his own lips oh how bad jungkook want to deep thrust in him but can't as tae's doctor said to control it for some time after seeing some complications in tae's pregnancy but tae is so horny in pregnancy that he would ask for it in mid night, afternoon even in breakfast..causing jungkook to do oral ,he is that sensitive to his touch that he cum just by that and sometimes give jungkook blowjob too or just sleep leaving his member hard...

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