PART - 10

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"Yuh muscle bunny wake up, wanna go to washroom"...tae said for the nth time, he is waking him up so that he can go but waking jungkook is a big task ....

Tae bite on his chest as they are laying in same position as before... jungkook woke up furrowing hard while rubbing his chest and looked at tae ..

"Why did yuh do that?"... jungkook said annoyed...

"I wanna go washroom"...tae yelled looking in his eyes...

"Go then!..yuh want me to change your diapers?.. jungkook mocked and rolled his eyes..

"Leave me"..tae said offended and pointed on his hands which were on tae's waist and his leg also on his body...

"Oh am sorry"... jungkook said smiling sheepishly, tae just glared at him and went to washroom...

He sat up and wore his shoes again as it's already night he decided to go back home..but he waited for tae to come and again laid down on bed..

After 15 minutes which felt like hours to jungkook, tae came out but ignored him, who is observing his every move.."tae"... jungkook called...tae turned around and glared at him "what?"...

"Am sorry".. he said whining....tae mumbled 'whatever' and looking for his phone to complain about jungkook to his aunt...

Jungkook stood up from bed walked to tae he turned him around facing him before he started walking jungkook made him stand in one place by placing his hands on his waist a lil tightly...

Tae looked him in eyes and tried to push him but of no use, he is tiny front of this double bunny...

So he stood still but glaring and looking lik a angry puppy...

"Am sorry tae i didn't meant to say that, i am really sorry"jungkook said cupping his face ,carasseing his cheekbone with his thumb, tae leaned at the touch... jungkook smiled but frowned seeing him cry again...

"Why are yuh crying again".. jungkook asked not knowing what's the reason now..

"I was just waking yuh up cuz I wanted to go washroom but yuh were helding me so tight i couldn't move, i was just awhahahsahhhhs-...tae burst in tears rambling like a child with runny nose...

Jungkook chuckled and bring tae's face to his chest, again comforting the big baby for that small thing...

Jungkook didn't mind saying sorry for that small thing cuz if it's hurting your loved ones yuh shouldn't think twice to comfort them, even small things can leave huge impact, that's what he did...and tae is having tornado of emotions when he is on periods and very emotional so he didn't mind it....

"Shh~calm down bear~shhh i have already said sorry.. jungkook said patting his back who is sobbing now...

Tae parted the hug and saw him, who wiped his tears...

"Where are yuh going?"...tae said asked seeing him in shoes again...

"I am going home"... jungkook said tucking his hairs behind the ear..."no yuh are not"...tae said whining and shooked his head  no... jungkook sighed..

"Okay am not going... happy?....he said smiling after seeing his favourite boxy smile after many hours..

"But aren't yuh hungry let's go eat something".. jungkook said and walked with tae downstairs...

They went downstairs and saw everyone eating..both sat down Taesha served them and started eating...

"How's your pain tae?"..Taesha asked concerned..

"It's better than before"...he said eating from jungkook's plate, who is eating unbothered..

While jin telling Jimin how Namjoon always destroys things whenever he comes to his workplace..and there's Jimin complaining about his bf who is always sleepy and throwing tantrums on random things..while everyone is laughing...

"Well when yuh are going to introduce your bf, i really wanna meet him"....Taesha said  to Jimin...

"I will"...Jimin said smiling...

"And when your exam going to start ?"..Taesha asked again..

"Exams starting in 4 days"...tae said annoyed, as why it's starting so soon...

"Seung?"...Taesha called his husband who is talking with jungkook...he looked at her wife..

"Am thinking about vacation for some days after their exams"...Taesha concluded earning an excited yes from trio......

"That's great, we will go after their exams then"...Seung said showing thumbs up...

"But what about your work jin?"..Seung said..."oh i will manage it don't worry"...jin said eating, Seung hummed at response...

"Kook are yuh staying"...jin asked..

"Yeah hyung i am"...jungkook replied looking at tae who chirped happily..

"Okay"...jin smiled at both of them..while Jimin seeing them with teasing smile along with Taesha..but both are unaware as they are busy in their own world..



I am laying on my bed eating my precious berry berry strawberry and reading ff of my favourite ship...

When i heard jungkook who just came in "i don't have clothes what am gonna wear"..he said looking at me..

"Oh yuh will find sweatshirt with pants there"...i said pointing at my cupboard..

"Tae this is mine?"..he said more like a question..."yess i had to wear that when yuh poured that bloody drink on me when I was just asking for a sip"..i said huffing at the memory...

He sheepishly smiled showing his bunny teeths and went to take a bath i guess...after some minutes he came back in just sweat pants, his upper body is naked showing his perfectly build body with that tattoos on his hand ..why he have to be this hot?...i was drooling when I heard...

"Yuh are staring tae"...he said with a smirk and that's hot too..i avert my gaze back to my phone ...but couldn't, i am still peeking at him...

He dried his hairs and wear his sweatshirt 'thank god'...he came and laid down next to me covering himself with duvet too...but why my heartbeat going this fast?

He laid facing me and pulled me closer by my waist....i hide my face snuggling into his chest not wanting him to see my beetroot face...he carasses my waist but I felt shiver ran down my spins, when his cold hands made contact with my bare skin....

i looked up and saw him with eyes closed our faces were really close that I can feel his hot breathe....i buried my face in his neck inhaling my own scent, he used my bodywash i chuckled...he didn't seem to notice anything he already slept....


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