Season 2: Elsewhere and Elsewhen

Start from the beginning

Luz: Who was that?

Lilith: Flora D'splora. Bad-girl historian, celebrity, and my former mentor in the Emperor's Coven.

Y/n: tf kind of name...

Luz: I have questions about that name.

Lilith: And I have questions about MY LIFE!!! All I ever got to do was desk work, while she goofed off riding wild snake horses and-

Luz: [Gasps, eyes light up.] Snorses!

Lilith: And-And eating mummy jerky! Well I can be just as exciting as Flora! I'll come up with an exhibit that'll knock the Titan's socks off! [Lilith storms into the house. Luz and Y/n shout after her.]

Luz: Congratulations on your new job!

Y/n: Yeah, congrats!

[Scene starts with the echo mouse's playback of one of Philip's entry.]

Philip: After careful analysis during this Deadwardian Era, I believe the current human year is 1660. Or is it '70? The years are flashing by, but it will all be worth it. I've gathered all the portal ingredients, including Titan's Blood. All that's left is to seek out the Collector, and he will tell me what I need to complete my mission. But first, my companions and I must face-

[The playback is cut off before Philip can finish. Back in the living room, Luz lies on the couch and Y/n is sitting next to her as they both were staring at the ceiling where the playback was just shown. The echo mouse goes to sleep.]

King: The Collector. I've never heard that name.

Eda: Me neither. What kind of jerk puts "The" in front of their name anyway? [She picks up trash and puts it into a trash bag.]

Luz: But the Collector may know how to make a real portal door. He may know why mine is so unstable. I just... I messed up so bad last time. I need to do better.

Eda: Luz, I've got leg hair older than you. This Philip guy worked on his door for years. Try not to beat yourself up too much.

Y/n: You did not mess up badly. You managed to make a way to communicate with the human realm! If that's not something to take note and learn from then idk what else is. Anyways, you're doing fine Luz.

Luz: Yeah. [Dejectedly but still feels the support.] I just wish I could go back in time and talk to him. [A sudden realization hits Luz.] Eda! Is time magic a thing?

Y/n: I don't like where this going.

Eda: Not really, but... [Eda takes off a book from the shelf titled "History's Top 10 Plot Holes".] Back in the day, [Opens the book.] I was a bit of an urban-legend junkie. Twig Foot, Lenderman, possums...

Luz: Those are real.

Y/n: They're in the human realm.

Eda: [Snorts.] Yeah sure, kid. Anyway, there are stories about these things called time pools. Mythical puddles that act as windows into the past, but they're never in the same spot twice. Me and Lily used to search for them. She'd say I forced her into it, but I think she had more fun than me.

Luz: Lilith! Of course! Thanks, Eda! [Luz snatches the book off Eda's hands and runs off to find Lilith.]

Y/n: Hey! What are you planning?! [Follows Luz.]

[In the kitchen, Lilith is busy making model balusters.]

Luz: Lilith! [Luz suddenly emerges from behind Lilith and calls out her name, startling her.] I see you're dealing with all this.

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