Chapter 11

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Author's pov

Two months later

It has been two months since moh's proposal and Aisha is still taking her time to think. She spoke to her mom, best friends and even moh's mom about it but they all gave her thesame answer.

They all wanted her to take her time and choose what she thinks will be better for her.

Today the girls and boys were going to have a cinema date.

Aisha came back from school an hour ago and she took her bath wearing a black baggy cargo pant with a white body hug, a black jersey cap and veil.

She did her little but no make up then put on her plain white sneakers.

Haaya was already there with the boys at the United Kingdom chain cinema so Hanan had to take the Uber to the cinema.

She got to the cinema with an Uber then She called Haaya and she told her where they were.She made her way in the theater and they got a ticket for her.

She got her popcorn and got in.
There were not many people in the cinema as it was just a total of 20 people. She spotted Haaya and head to where she was.

"Hey where'm I sittin'?" She asked.

"Idk your ticket is with moh'"Haaya said.

The movie was about to start so She  rushed to him.

"Hey! My ticket please. I wanna see where I'll be seated" She said.

"Here! Your seat is right here" he said pointing to a seat next to him.

She sat there and brought her phone out of her black tote bag and put it on do not disturb then she placed it back.

An hour into the movie she was already in her lala land.

She slept off and her head landed on his shoulder while he smiled.

He brought out his phone and took a picture with the flash on. His face was not out in the picture but his shoulder was, he then displayed the picture as his Lock Screen wallpaper then he smiled at the picture and the hugged his phone to his chest in excitement.

Aisha started making movements to which she woke up.

After the movie, they all went to separate restaurants as moh requested to take Aisha.

Hanan's pov

We got to the blue sea restaurant and I ate Mac and cheese while he ate fries.

I decided to tell him that I will accept him and yeah. Idk.

"Uhm uhm.... Ya moh am sorry for what I did months ago, I was childish yeah I know. But I swear it wasn't intentional. I have gone through so much with that man. And that made me get scared of any man. I didn't even know how it happened, how I cried nor how all those things happened. You might think am childish or something. But I really am sorry" I said.

"No it's okay Aisha. I know you needed space and that is the most common thing I could do for you that time. I understand you. I just want you to be part of my life and that's all. I'll be to happiest man on earth"He said with his calm voice.

"And yes about that.........huff...... I am ready to.....bbbe your....girlfriend"I said blushing.

He froze right there with his fries midway to his mouth as he smiled at me.

Mohammed (moh's) pov

Ya Allah when those words left her mouth I was frozen. I was freaking frozen.

I felt like jumping to touch the sky.

"Are you for real?" I ask.

"Yes"she said blushing.

"Alhamdulillah Aisha thank you. I love you" I said.

She didn't reply me instead she just smiled.

"And I also trust you with my whole heart please don't break it. At least not again"she said. I could see how hurt she was.

"And yeah I informed everyone before telling you soo..."she said smiling shipishly.

"It's okay. Thank you for giving me the best news, thank you for being my girlfriend and thank you for coming into my life."I said while she blushed.

After we finished eating, we went to meet Haaya and Triple A. They were done and were in the car too when we got there so I got into the passenger seat while the girls at the back seat with Triple A driving.

We dropped them off and head home.

Hanan's pov

They dropped us off and left. When we got in I went to my room and took a bath. I wore a pink silky pajama and I slept off.

Thank god tomorrow's Saturday.
Yay me


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