Chapter 9

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Author's pov

{5 months later}

It has been 5 months since the incident that had happened. And today Hanan was busy packing her suitcase.

Hanan seems to be so frustrated as her room had clothes scattered around almost everywhere while she held her hand up on her head and she fake cry.

Her brother,Triple A salamed and entered but she didn't even notice him.

"Hello baby sis"he said patting her head.

"Please help me pack bro" she pouted.

He then hesitated before he helped her pack two large suitcases.

"Thank you bestest....muah"she blew him a kiss as she finally zip up the second suitcase.

"Ewww"he said scrunching up his face.

"Hey bro, you done with your packing?"she asked with her hands akimbo.

"Yeah am done" he said.

He laid back on her comfy bed and stretched.

"You tired?" She asked.

"Yeah" he said.

"Baby sis are you up for an icecream date?" His face lit up.

So as hers.

"Yesssssssirrr" she quickly got up and hugged him.

"I'll go and get ready while you also do that"he said getting off the bed.

"okay right away"she said.

He left to the boys quarters to get ready while she got into the bathroom and took her bath and she dressed in a sky blue fashion house set with a blue Gucci cross shoulder bag.

She did her everyday makeup then to her perfume.

Hanan is truly a scent lover. Ones she sees anything perfume, she gets out of her sense.

When she finished getting ready, she went to her mom and told her about the outing and then she head to the parking lot where she found her brother leaned on his car.

She went downstairs and found him waiting for me in the parlor.

"The queen is here" She said smiling just to irritate him.

"Mtchew shut up. You look like a maid" he said and She knew he's just joking.

"Come on bro you know am beautiful" I said hitting his arm playfully.

"Let's not waste time shall we?" He asked.

"We shall" I said entwining our fingers as we made our way out.

We went to the car and I got into the passenger seat while he got in to the drivers seat.

We went to Ice cream Planet and I bought cotton candy while he bought Vanilla.

We went back to the car and went to our relatives to say goodbye to them.

"Triple A you need to teach me how to drift o" I said taking a scoop of the ice cream.

"Your underaged baby" he said winking.

"Your a fish" I said smacking his upper arm.

          ^^Time skips to Evening^^

We went to all the relatives living here in Adamawa. We said our goodbyes and here I am getting ready to fly to London for my uni.

I wore my blue jeans and a pink t-shirt with a black jacket then did Tarha with my veil.

"Baby sister time to go" Triple A shouted from downstairs.

"Am coming" I shouted back pouring to stop my tears. Yeah typical mommy's girl.

I went downstairs taking a last look at my room as I wore my boots and locked the door. 

I went downstairs and found everyone there. Am really going to miss them.

My eyes caught momma's eyes and I saw tears. Which brought tears to my eyes too.

I hugged her and wept in her arms like a baby. I released them hugged mama, Hajiya and Ummee.

I then did a group hug with my brothers. Then lastly my Baba.

"Baba" I said as I hugged him too tight. He kept patting my back to and fro.

"I'll miss you all" I said breaking the hug.

"We'll miss you too dear. Study well don't follow bad friends. I want you with first class upper" Hajiya said and I smiled.

"InshaAllah Hajiya" I said smiling. By now I know am read.

"Bye bye everyone I'll make you all proud" I said as we walked to the door to see me and Triple A off.

We got into the back seat with the driver in the drivers seat. I kept doing bye bye for them as if they'll even see me.

I rolled the glass down as said

"Muah mommy's dina (my mommy's" I said blowing a kiss which made them laugh.

In the plane

I called My bf's to inform them cause yeah I haven't.

"Hello babies" I said.

"Hi your voice seems down is it that fish again?" Shatsy said.

"Ofc not. Am going to London to further my education" I said making Fattu release a squeal.

"Alhamdulillah babe am happy for you wallahi. Why didn't you inform us since then" Fattu said.

"I wanted to but packing two big boxes na joke" I said chuckling.

"Lazy ass" Shatsy said laughing.

"Bye guys need to go.we will talk when I settle. " I said almost crying. I'll really miss them.

I ended the call and turned to Triple A just to find this guy scrunching his face.

"Eww" he said shooing me.

"What???" I said but he ignored me. I used my phone for an hour or two before I slept off.

"4 hours later"

"Wakie wakie" triple A said tapping me.

I opened my eyes slowly to the voice of the air hostess making an announcement about our landing.

We buckled our seat belts while we landed in the UK. Yay me.

After landing we got out of the plane and we went to where the driver uncle daddy sent us while we waited for our suitcases.

Triple A made some call while I got into the car and sat there tired.

After what felt like forever, our suitcases were brought and kept in the car trunk then we zoomed off to uncle daddy's house where we will be staying before our school resumes.

A week later

Today has been three days since I moved into my new apartment to which I live with my mate cousin Haaya. Triple A lives with Ya moh his mate too. They have been living together in the same apartment since they started uni and they study the same course which is under business bla bla bla.

Unfortunately for Haaya she was in a serious sickness for almost two freaking months which stopped her from going to uni. But alhamdulillah now that we all get to go to uni.

I on the other hand am studying aeronautical engineering which will be 4 years.

Today, my class will commence by 1:30pm so I had enough time to sleep while Haya has Already left for school.

Haaya has classes everyday apart from Saturdays. While I rest on Thursdays ,fridays and Sundays.
Yay me.

The day ended and I was so tired to which I took a hot bath,and slept. Not after putting on an alarm to wake up around 2am for tahajjud and to study.


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