Cahpter 4

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Not Edited
Hanan's pov

It has been four days since the food incident and I have been locked up in my room since that night. Everything I needed was there. I just spend the day either by sleeping, using my phone or watching one movie or the other on my laptop.The box of indomie I have taken from the kitchen that day has been doing it's job quiet great.

I woke up around 4am today and I offered my subhi prayer then I took my bath wearing my soft Moroccan slit gown with a black Pulazzo. I felt a little sleepy after staying up till 7am then I decided to get some sleep.

I woke up around 12pm then I freshened up and I used the kettle to boil indomie remembering the days when I was a secondary school boarder.

Boarding schools are really fun. I thought.

I finished eating my food the I laid back on my comfy bed hoping I'll get out of this prison real soon.

I closed my eyes to rest when my phone started ringing. I checked and It was my besties group call.

Aww bitches.

"Yooooo" I said on top of my voice immediately I got connected to the call.

"Calm down madam you are now a married woman, maybe soon to be mom sef" Fattu's voice came in.

"Bebe am ammishyouuuu"Aisha pouted.

-Fatima Ibrahim(Fattu)
Age-17 years old
Studying Economics In Baze university Abuja
-Aisha idris-(Shatsy)
Age-17 years old
Studying Software engineering
In MAAUN(Kano)]

"Ammishyoutoo shatsy am" I pouted.

"Girls day out?" Fattu asked.

"Yeppppppp" both Aisha and I yelped in unison.

"Today?" Aisha asked.

"Sure let's meet at the Bleu Cafe" I said then I ended the call and went into my walk-in-closet looking for what to wear.

It took almost half and hour to finally pick something to wear.

I quickly took a shower and I wore a blue elegant dress,I did my tarha with a blue jersey veil. Then I applied my kohl and lined the edge of my lips then I applied lipgloss.

I am sure my bitch of a husband is not at home so.........
(Astagfirullah) I thought.

I decided to put my black high heel then I took my black channel shoulder bag putting my phone, car key and my card.

I walked out of my room heading downstairs majestically.

I head to the kitchen and informed the maids what to cook for dinner then I left the kitchen.

I thought of passing through the sitting room so I made my way there.

My phone started ringing then I opened my bag to bring it out.

It was Fattu.

"Bishh am on my way." I said.

"Be quick" she said sounding irritated.

"Whatever" I said then ended the call.

"You slut" I heard my so called husbands voice.
Oh so he's at home. Waiting to kill me hu'n.

"Ohhh heyyy" I said already irritated by his appearance.

"What did you put in my food you slut.....and where are you going to all dressed up" he said after giving me a stupid glare from head to toe.

I checked the time on my phone and I was already late.

"Oh. I am already late so we'll talk when I am back. " I turned to leave but he caught me by the arm turning me to face him.

Bilyamin's pov

I took a break from work due to the pain I was undergoing.

Today was boring. I sat in the sitting room downstairs finishing off some work on my laptop when I heard sound of heels clicking. I waited for whoever the person was.

It was that whore.

"You slut" I said biting my lower lip.

"Ohhh.heyyy"she smiled widely.

"What did you put in my food you slut........and where are you going to all dressed up" I said noticing what she was wearing. Very indecent.

"Maasha Allah you have a beautiful wife but you idiot...." My subconscious mind said.

She then check whatever on her phone then she looked up at me.

"Oh. I am already late so we'll talk when I'm back" she said and turned around to leave but I caught her by the arm turning her to face me.

"Never use those filthy hands on me" she said with a straight face removing my hand on her arm.

"You can't go out like this. Change this clothes. It's not decent" I said.

"Who said I can't go out and oh look who's talking about decency hey" she said and laughed sarcastically.

"I am your husband and I said you can't go out"

"A husband is a second parent to a lady, he does the duties her parents does before marriage. Not a person who makes a lady crave for death" she spat

I don't know what happened to me but I just let her arm off and I was frozen as she walked out majestically and that was how she went out of view.


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